EMAC Meeting

Calendar Date:
Thursday, June 21, 2012 - 2:00pm

The Environmental Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) will meet at 2:00 pm in the Council Chambers.  The public is invited to attend.


1. Call to Order and Approval of the Agenda

2. Approval of Minutes – April 19, 2012

3. Public Comments
This is an opportunity for the members of the audience to bring to the EMAC’s attention any item not otherwise listed on the Agenda.  Comments are limited to a maximum time of 10 min. for all.

4. Green Fair Debrief

5. Household Hazardous Waste Debrief

6. Lane County’s Trash Buster Award – any actions needed by committee to encourage local businesses to apply?

7. Opportunity to Recycle for 3rd Quarter
Community Event? – Bonnie MacDuffee
Preparing educational materials for Homeowners Associations newsletters?
Haulers include information on recycling in advertisements?

8. Support of Siuslaw News’ Recycling Microsite & Insert?\

9.  Review of Rate Structure for 4 cubic yard Commercial Containers

10. RARE Participant

11. Committee & Staff Discussion/Report Items
• City Hall Kiosk—Update from Sandy Davidson
• Website

12. Other