Public Art Committee Meeting

Calendar Date:
Monday, March 14, 2022 - 11:00am

On Monday, March 14 at 11:00 a.m., the Florence Public Arts Committee will hold its regularly scheduled meeting via video-conference. Given recent COVID-19 guidance from the Governor, citizens will not be able to attend City meetings in person. Interested citizens may listen and view the meeting through the ‘GoToWebinar’ platform.

Members of the public can listen and view the meeting through the ‘GoToWebinar’ platform at the following link:

To learn more about how to participate in a gotowebinar meeting, visit the tutorial LINK HERE for a video, or CLICK HERE for a written guide, or reference the GotoWebinar tips sheet below. 

Meeting agenda and materials will be available 72 hours in advanced. To sign up for the committee distribution list please Click Here. For information about the City of Florence's Public Art Committee, please Click Here

Due to safety precautions related to the COVID-19 virus, the meeting will be held virtually through the GoToWebinar platform, but the PAC welcomes and encourages the public to submit public comment prior to the meeting. Citizens can virtually offer public comment only if they sign up ahead of time. For more information or to sign up, please CLICK HERE.