PC 22 07 CUP 02 Suislaw School District Modular Classroom Buildings

PC 22 10 CUP 02- 2975 Oak Street - Suislaw School District Modular buildings


The Florence Planning Commission held a public hearing in person and via videoconference at 5:30 P.M. on July 12, 2022, in the City of Florence City Hall Chambers located at 250 Highway 101,  heard and considered and approved  the following matter with a 6-0 unanimous vote, see attached Notice of Decision  :

RESOLUTION PC 22 10 CUP 02 – 2975 Oak Street – Siuslaw School Dist. Modular Buildings

An application from Marlene Gillis, of Soderstrom Architects, for a Temporary Conditional Use Permit without Design Review for temporary placement of three (3) modular classroom buildings at the Siuslaw High School, 2975 Oak Street, Assessor’s Map 18-12-22-00, Tax Lot 00300 within High Density Residential District.