Notice of Potential Ordinance Passage

Ordinance Clip Art

On May 21, 2018, the City of Florence City Council will review and consider six ordinances concerning the following…

Ordinance No. 4, Series 2018 – An Ordinance amending Florence City Code Title 10, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 to address accessory dwelling units, permanent affordable housing provided by places of worship, land use processing timelines, and other changes related to senate bill 1051.

Ordinance No. 5, Series 2018 – An Ordinance approving the annexation of property within the Urban Growth Boundary: Assessors Map 18-12-04-42, Tax Lots 1302 & 1303 and the abutting portion of Lookout Street to the south as part of a proposed annexation.

Ordinance No. 6, Series 2018  - An Ordinance assigning single family zoning to assessor’s map 18-12-04-42 Taxlots 1302 & 1303 as well as the abutting portion of Lookout Street within the UGB as well as part of a proposed annexation.

Ordinance No. 7, Series 2018 – An Ordinance approving the annexation of property within the Urban Growth Boundary: 88405 4th Avenue, Assessor’s Map 18-12-0414, Taxlot 02200, Assessor’s Map 18-12-04-00 Taxlots 00105 & 00117 as well as the abutting portion of 4th Avenue to the west as part of a proposed annexation to the Florence City Council.

Ordinance No. 8, Series 2018  - An Ordinance assigning restricted residential zoning to 88405 4th Avenue, Assessors Map 18-12-04-14, Taxlot 02200; Assessor’s Map 18-12-04-00 Taxlots 00105 & 00117; as well as the abutting portion of 4th Avenue to the west as part of an annexation.

Ordinance No. 9, Series 2018  - An Ordinance amending City of Florence City Code Title 9, Chapter 1 related to System Development Charges to create a process for deferral and waiving the collection of certain system development charges to encourage development of affordable housing.

This notice serves as official publication of the availability of the ordinances. The full text of these Ordinances is  available by clicking on the links below, or may be inspected at Florence City Hall, 250 Hwy 101, Florence, Oregon during regular business hours. For more information about this notice, or any Florence City Council proceedings, please contact City Recorder Kelli Weese at 541-997-3437, or via email at