Road & Traffic FAQs

Who do I contact to report a road or traffic signal problem?

Should you see a road condition that is hazardous or a traffic signal problem in the City of Florence, you may call the Florence Police Department at 541-997-3515 and report it. The communications officers will forward the call to Public Works to respond as appropriate.

How can I and when must I file a traffic accident report to DMV?

Oregon law requires all drivers to file an Accident report form to DMV within 72 hours of the accident if:

  • There is more than $1500 damage to your vehicle; or
  • There is more than $1500 damage to property other than a vehicle; or
  • When someone is injured (no matter how minor the injury); or
  • When someone is killed; or
  • When any vehicle is towed due to damage resulting from the accident.

You must report an accident even if it happened on private property that is premises open to the public, like a store parking lot.

You can get an accident report form from your local law enforcement agency, your local DMV, and/or the DMV web site at

Failure to report an accident will result in the suspension of your driving privilege. This suspension will be effective for a period of 5 years, or until DMV receives a report, whichever is less. You may also be required to file proof of insurance for 3 years.

Oregon law requires all motor vehicle owners to maintain liability insurance coverage as DMV checks the insurance information on all accident reports. If DMV finds you were uninsured at the time of the accident, or you fail to show proof of insurance on the Accident Form, DMV will suspend your driving privilege for 1 year, and then you must file proof of insurance for 3 years after the suspension.

Who I do contact for road conditions outside of Florence?

Please do not call 9-1-1 or the Florence Police Department. To obtain the most current and up to date information on Oregon Roads and Weather conditions you should visit the following web site at You may call 1-800-977-6368 or 511 on your cell phone. For road conditions in Northern California you may call 1-916-842-4438.

What are the pedestrian safety law changes?

The law requires that whenever motorists see school crossing guards in crosswalks in intersections directing students crossing in crosswalk, they must stop and stay stopped. Specifically, the law states that whenever a “traffic patrol member” has entered a crosswalk for the purpose of directing students who are about to enter the crosswalk or who have entered the crosswalk, traffic in all directions must stop and remain stopped while students are in the crosswalk. The traffic control member needs to either carry a “flag”, such as a handheld STOP sign, or wear something that identifies the person as a traffic patrol member, such as a brightly colored vest with “Crossing Guard” on it.

Pedestrians have a responsibility for their own safety and the safety of motorists as well. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Section 814.040 (a) defines as a “failure to yield to a vehicle” when a pedestrian to suddenly leaves a curb or other place of safety and move into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. This act is a violation. For example a pedestrian may not step arbitrarily into a crosswalk so that an oncoming motor vehicle would have to exercise evasive action or emergency braking to avoid a collision. If that were to occur, the pedestrian would be in violation and could be cited for the violation.

Conversely should a pedestrian lawfully step off a curb into a crosswalk, drivers need to yield to pedestrians when the pedestrian is in certain lanes, and those affected lanes move with the pedestrian. ORS Section 811.028 states that a driver must stop and remain stopped for a pedestrian when the pedestrian is crossing a roadway in a crosswalk as described below:

  1. In the lane in which the driver's vehicle is traveling;
  2. In the lane adjacent to the lane in with the driver's vehicle is traveling;
  3. In the lane into into which the driver's vehicle is turning;
  4. In a lane adjacent to the lane into which the driver’s vehicle is turning, if the driver is making a turn at an intersection that does not have a traffic control device under which a pedestrian may proceed, such a steady green light or a green turn arrow unless prohibited by any other traffic control devices;
  5. Less than six feet from the lane into which the driver’s vehicle is turning, if the driver is making a turn at an intersection that does have a traffic control device under which a pedestrian may proceed, such a steady green light or a green turn arrow unless prohibited by any other traffic control devices.

Some questions have included whether a bicycle lane is a separate lane for the purposes of these rules. The revision of this law last year defined that for the purpose of this specific law, a bicycle lane or the part of a roadway where a vehicle stops, stands or parks that is adjacent to a lane of travel is considered to be part of that adjacent lane of travel.

Additionally pedestrians are required to yield the right of way to a vehicle upon a roadway when that pedestrian is crossing the roadway at any point other than within a crosswalk or an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. While ORS Section 801.220 defines what a crosswalk is, the rule of thumb is that crosswalks exist at every intersection as pedestrians may cross at any intersection unless prohibited by traffic control devices.

Drivers need to understand when they are required to stop and remain stopped and when they are not. Obviously this is important from a safety perspective, but also so as not to confuse other drivers or pedestrians with whom one is sharing the roadway. As defensive drivers know, we should always expect the unexpected. This same type of “expect the unexpected” attitude should also exist among pedestrians. In fact ORS 811.005 states aptly that nothing in the vehicle code relieves a pedestrian from the duty to exercise due care or relieve a driver from the duty to exercise due care concerning pedestrians. An example is when a person crossing in a crosswalk could, if possible, make eye to eye contact with drivers in oncoming vehicles and make sure those vehicles are, in fact, stopping prior to stepping into a lane of traffic to cross.

How do I report an abandoned vehicle on my street?

Abandoned vehicles or vehicles being stored on the street are prohibited by Florence City Code. Violations may be reported by calling Florence Police Dispatch at (541)997-3515. An Officer will respond and place a notice on the vehicle. If the vehicle remains after 72 hours it will be removed.

What is the school zone speed law?

The law defined three categories of school zones:

  • Lower speed roadways adjacent to the school grounds (30 mph or less); or
  • Higher speed roadways adjacent (35 mph or greater); or
  • School crosswalks away from school grounds.

The law has only two categories of school zones those adjacent to school grounds and to crosswalks not adjacent to school grounds. School zones on roadways adjacent to school grounds can be either:

  • "When Flashing"; or
  • "School Days 7AM to 5PM"

Those school zones at a school crosswalk away from school grounds can be either:

  • "When Flashing"; or
  • "When Children are Present"