10th Street Fence- AR 12 09 DR 08

June 18, 2012


Roger Center applied for an administrative design review to allow a fence over three feet high along the front of a property. The property is located at 2013 10th Street (Assessors Map Number 18-12-26-31, Tax Lot 1100). 

Criteria Applying to this Matter:
Florence City Code (FCC) (found at http://www.ci.florence.or.us/council/title-10-zoning-regulations
FCC Title 10, Chapter 34: Landscaping 
-Section 5-B. Dimensions.
1. Residential Zones: Except as provided below, the height of fences and walls between the building and the front lot line shall not exceed three (3) feet as measured from the grade and no greater than 6 feet in height in rear and side yards unless the front door is located on the longer side of the lot, in which case the fence shall not exceed three (3) feet in height or taller fences or walls are allowed through Design Review approval. 
-Section 5-C: The following exceptions may be allowed through Design Review or Administrative Review.
5. Walls and fences taller than otherwise allowed if needed for screening, safety or security purposes
FCC Title 10, Chapter 35: Access and Circulation Section 2-13

Testimony and evidence must be directed toward the criteria described above or other criteria in the Comprehensive Plan or land use regulations which is believed to apply to the decision. Written testimony may be submitted no later than 5 pm on July 2, 2012, to the Community Development Department, Florence City Hall, 250 Highway 101, Florence, Oregon, 97439, e-mailed to Michelle Pezley or faxed to 541-997-4109. Please include a mailing address if submitting comments by fax or e-mail. Failure to raise an issue by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond precludes appeal based on that issue. 

 Applicable criteria and other related materials are available for inspection or for purchase at a cost of $0.20 -$0.40/ photocopy at the Florence City Hall located at 250 Highway 101, Florence, Oregon or may be found below.  For additional information, call Michelle Pezley at 541-997-8237.

Notice of the Administrative Decision will be mailed to the applicant and all parties who have submitted testimony.