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Florence Urban Renewal Agency Meeting
Calendar Date:
On Febrarary 28, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. FURA will hold its regularly scheduled meeting in person at Florence City Hall with the option to view virtually.
Members of the public can listen and view the meeting through the ‘GoToWebinar’ platform at the following link:
To learn more about how to participate in a GotoWebinar meeting, visit the tutorial link at for a video, or at for a written guide.
Expressing Views to the Florence Urban Renewal Agency:
Citizens wishing to express their views to the Florence Urban Renewal Agency Board may do so in both written and verbal formats.
1.Written Testimony: Citizens wishing to express their views to the Urban Renewal Agency are encouraged to submit written testimony in one of the following ways:
Submit written comments via email to City Recorder at
Mail written comments to Florence City Hall, Attn: FURA, 250 Hwy 101, Florence, OR 97439
Drop off at City of Florence City Hall during regular office hours (8am - 12pm, 1pm - 4pm Monday through Friday) or at the City of Florence drop box located to the right of the main entrance. **
** Note: Written comments received at least 2 hours prior to the meeting (February 28, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.) will be distributed to the FURA Board, posted to the City of Florence website, and made part of the record.
2. Verbal Testimony: Citizens wishing to express their views to the Florence Urban Renewal Agency Board may participate in the meeting in person or via GotoWebinar. To do so, please fill out a speaker's card HERE at least 1 hour prior to the meeting (February 28, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.).
Public Comments on items not on the agenda: General public comments (on items not on the FURA agenda) will be allowed at each FURA meeting during the public comment agenda item. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per person, with a maximum of 15 minutes for all items. In practicality, this means no more than five individuals will be allowed to comment verbally. There is no limit on written public comments.
Public Hearing Testimony: Testimony on public hearing items will be allowed when a public hearing is held. Verbal comments will be allowed on public hearing items after staff has given their report and have allowed time for initial Agency Board questions. In general (with some exceptions for Land Use hearings), comments are limited to five minutes per person with no limit on the number of speakers.
Public Comments on Action Items: Public Comments will be allowed on each action item on the FURA agenda. Verbal comments will be allowed on action items after staff has given their report and have allowed time for initial Agency Board questions. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per person, with a maximum of 15 minutes for all comments on each action item. In practicality, this means no more than five (5) individuals will be allowed to comment verbally. There is no limit on written public comments.