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FURA 2025 - 2027 Budget Information

FURA Budget Information
The Florence Urban Renewal Agency (FURA) operates on a biennial budget, which is governed by Oregon's Local Budget Law. FURA's Budget Officer prepares a proposed budget which is presented to the FURA Budget Committee for approval. The Florence Urban Renewal Agency (FURA) consists of the FURA Board and an equal number of citizen members, which includes the two City Councilors who do not serve on the FURA Board. The citizen members of the City’s Budget Committee, the two City Councilors not already serving on the Florence Urban Renewal Agency Board, and two additional citizen members also serve on the FURA Budget Committee. Citizen members serve staggered terms of four years expiring May 31st.
Budget information and documents will be posted here.


FURA Budget Committee
Term Expiration
Mike Webb, Chairperson
May 2026
Dave Braley, Vice-Chairperson
May 2027
Rob Ward, Mayor
Mayoral Term
Vacant, Councilor
May 2026
Ron Moore
May 2026
Heather Posegate
May 2027
Sally Wantz, Councilor
May 2027
Ron Preisler
May 2026
Susy Lacer
May 2027
Debra Kelley
May 2028
Leonard Larson
May 2025
Wayne Sharpe
May 2027
Raymond Plumery
May 2028
AJ Edman
May 2027
Jo Beaudreau
December, 2026
Robert Carp
December 2026