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Siuslaw Interpretive Center - January, 2013 Update
January, 2013 Update
Just before Christmas, workers with Tom Ayers General Contractor Inc. installed six pilings. They will be completing other "inwater" work between now and the end of January in order to comply with permit requirements. Tom Ayers General Contractor Inc. are also completing clearing and grubbing for the stormwater facility at the east side of the future Center (near Waterfront Depot).
November, 2012 Update
US Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) issued our permit for the project at the end of August. Since this is considered a federal aid project (federal scenic by-ways funding and state funding) Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is handling the bid, award, construction management and contract administration. ODOT opened bids for the project on September 27, 2012.
The low bidder is Tom Ayres General Contractor Inc. with a bid of $503,634.20. The final adjusted ODOT Engineer's Estimate was $461,549, making the actual bid 9.1% over the estimate. ODOT currently is reviewing the bid and working on developing a contract for the work to proceed. The bids were:
Tom Ayres General Contractor Inc. $503,634.20
Scott Partney Construction, Inc. $554,170.48
Legacy Contracting Inc. $599,868.59
Deschutes Construction Corp. $609,427.40
PCR Inc. $622,529.00
Wildish Standard Paving Company $635,657.00
Carter & Company Inc. $640,282.05
Brown Contracting Inc. $869,842.50
The total cost of the project is $685,891 (the engineering work still needs to be completed) and there is only $569,872 available, making the project $116,019 short on funds. Staff met with FURA Chairperson Nola Xavier to discuss options and it was decided that the fairest approach would be to ask the urban renewal agency and the City to split the amount. To ensure that we have enough funds to complete the project staff is requesting the amount to be split is $120,000, which equates to the $60,000 request. The ODOT process is a bit longer than our process, but we expect the contractor to be under contract for the project by the end of October and starting the project mid November 2012 with completion in March 2013.
At the October 24th urban renewal agency meeting the Directors approved taking $60,000 from contingency toward the $120,000 deficit, providing the City agrees to do the same. The City Council will consider the request at their November 5th meeting.
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