Interviewing Tips

The City of Florence may utilize several different styles of interviews (one-way video interview, video panel interviews, or in-person interviews). In each instance, you will be asked questions that relate to the position you have applied for with the City. The questions a typically a mix of technical and behavioral questions and are meant to gauge your level of qualification for the position. 

We score the response to each question on a scale of: No Experience, Some Experience, Qualified Experience, and Well-Qualified Experience. The score to the question depends upon the response given by the applicant, as well as any responses to follow-up questions related to the response. 

In order to be successful at this stage, we recommend following the STAR method of interviewing responses. In a STAR response, the candidate describes a specific situation or task they were faced with, explains the actions they took to address the situation or complete the task, and highlights the results or outcomes of their actions.

By using this method, candidates are able to provide specific and concrete examples of how they have handled situations in the past, and how their skills and experiences make them a strong fit for the position.

Here are several tips on preparing for an interview:

  1. Before the interview, review the job description and research the organization to understand what the hiring manager is looking for in a candidate.
  2. Prepare specific examples of situations where you have demonstrated the skills and qualifications required for the job, using the STAR method to structure your answers.
  3. Practice your responses to common interview questions using the STAR method, and rehearse them out loud to build confidence and fluency.
  4. Be prepared to discuss your successes as well as your failures, and be honest about how you have learned from past mistakes.
  5. Listen carefully to the interviewer's questions and answer them directly and concisely, using specific examples to illustrate your points.
  6. Use the STAR method to structure your answers, starting with the situation or task, describing the actions you took, and ending with the results you achieved.
  7. Be prepared to provide quantitative or qualitative data to support your claims, such as sales figures, customer satisfaction ratings, or project completion rates.
  8. Stay focused on the question and avoid going off on tangents or providing irrelevant information.
  9. Speak clearly and confidently, and use body language to convey enthusiasm and engagement.
  10. Ask questions about the position and the organization to demonstrate your interest and engagement, and to gather more information to help you prepare for subsequent interviews.