Florence City Council

The Florence City Council consists of a mayor and four Councilors elected from the City at large. The Mayor serves for a term of two years, and Councilors serve for a four year term. The current Mayor and Councilors are below.

Rob Ward, Mayor
Term Exp. December 2026

Robert Carp, Council President
Term Exp. December 2026

Jo Beaudreau, Council Vice-President
Term Exp. December 2026
Sally Wantz, Councilor
Term Exp. December 2028

Mike Webb, Councilor
Appointment via City Council through December 2026
Term Exp. December 2028


Check the City calendar for meeting dates and times.

Meetings are generally every first and third Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Work sessions are generally Thursday of the same week of Council Meetings at 8:30 a.m.

Regular meetings and work sessions are open to the public. Come to City Hall or view them on GotoWebinar. You can also view Regular Meetings on Florence cable channel 191.

Agenda, meeting materials, minutes and recordings

Visit our meetings page and click on the date of the meeting to find the Agenda, Meeting Materials, and Minutes.

Subscribe to the City Council agenda email distribution list by clicking here

Click here to view past City Council meetings.

For more information, visit City Council FAQs or Contact the City Manager's Office at (541) 997-3437  or email City Recorder.