Welcome to the Florence Police Department

Staff Photo 2025

The Florence Police Department is a team of dedicated professionals and volunteers from the community we serve whose commitment to excellence is reflected in everything we do. On behalf of the Florence Police Department it is my pleasure to welcome you to our team's website.

Florence is located on the Oregon coast at the mouth of the Siuslaw River about the same latitude as Eugene, Oregon, and is approximately midway between the other major central Oregon coastal cities of Newport and Coos Bay. The Florence Police Department has the responsibility to provide the public safety protection services, including the operation of a city jail, to serve the community whose population can swell up to 15,000-20,000 people during the summer season.

The Florence Police Department has 26 positions authorized that consist of a Police Chief, Police Lieutenant, 3 Sergeants, a Management Analyst, 1 Detective, 10 Police Officers including the School Resource Officer, 1 Corrections Officer, 1 Chief Communications Officer and 7 Communications Officers.

The Florence Police Department provides supplemental policing services to the Confederated Tribes Three Rivers Casino and Hatch Tract. Additionally the Florence Police Department also maintains the Florence Municipal Jail and provides police services as needed for the Florence Municipal Court. The Police Department is also home to the West Lane Public Safety Answering Point 911 Dispatch Center, responsible for dispatching Police, Fire and Ambulance throughout an approximate 540 square mile area.

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