Florence Portable Audio/Video Recorders Policy

The City of Florence has utilized Lexipol since 2015, which is a national policy manual service for public safety. Lexipol provides fully developed, state-specific policies. These policies are based on nationwide standards and best practices while also incorporating state and federal laws and regulations where appropriate.

Lexipol provides services through their legal and policy content development teams to monitor for new legislation, statutes and case law on the state and federal levels, looking for anything that impacts policy content. They also keep up with research and reports influencing public safety and government best practices. When an update is needed, they create it and assist in updating the policies. The Lexipol system also has mechanisms to track distribution of updated polices to individual Officers.

Below is the City’s Portable Audio/Video Recorders (Body-Worn Cameras) Policy, which was adopted by the Florence Police Department in 2020, and last updated in November 2024.