Yearly/Monthly Rainfall Report


Rainfall units are expressed in inches.  Average rainfall for the month and year are in the far right column.  The data is updated by the middle of the current month for the previous month.

Month 2022 2023 2024 Ave Since 1957
January 5.77 9.73 20.70 10.94
February 4.33 5.25 11.80 8.76
March 5.37 8.95 11.73 8.06
April 7.36 9.11 4.78 5.20
May 8.21 0.98 5.19 3.45
June 4.61 0.21 3.76 2.12
July 0.23 0.11 0.75 0.56
August 0.15 0.33 0.72 0.84
September 0.53 3.64 3.22 2.14
October 1.88 5.10 5.89


November 7.41 7.92 13.29


December 11.37 21.34 11.77 11.90
Annual Rainfall 57.22 72.67 93.60 69.32

*Year to date amount

Weather History for Florence, OR [KORFLORE23] Florence Public Works Weather Station: