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FloGro: It Makes the Flowers Grow!

The Class A Biosolids Composting Project, nicknamed FloGro, was established by the City’s Public Works Department, with the assistance of Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, as a pilot project in 2010. The program is an environmentally friendly way to reduce the amount of money the City spends on hauling biosolids and reduce yard debris.
The Class A biosolids product is produced through a composting process that combines our chipped yard debris with our biosolids. The end result is a sustainable compost supply for our community. The program was expanded in 2013 after the City was awarded a Waste Diversion Opportunity Grant by Lane County. Class A composted biosolids are a valuable resource rich in plant-essential nutrients and organic matter. Using composted biosolids improves soil health and allows the soil to hold more water while letting it drain and breathe better.
What are Class A Biosolids?
Class A composted biosolids are a valuable resource rich in plant‐essential nutrients and organic matter. Using composted biosolids improves soil health, allows soil to hold more water while letting it drain and breathe better. Research has shown that crops grown in soils amended with biosolids are of equal or better quality than those grown with fertilizers.
To achieve Class A status, the biosolids must meet stringent federal and state requirements. This can be done via a number of different processes including heating, composting, digestion or increased pH all of which makes FloGro safe for unrestricted beneficial use.
Organisms used to measure potential for pathogens are many times lower than that required to meet Class A compost. In addition, during composting FloGro reaches temperatures that are higher and for a longer period of time than that needed to eliminate pathogen concerns.Compost produced by Florence goes one step further meeting additional quality requirements related to pollutant content and is thus designated as Class A EQ (Exceptional Quality).
A Greener Florence
Florence currently hauls dewatered solids to Heard Farms near Roseburg, Oregon costing the City $80,000 (and rising) a year in fuel, transportation and dumping fees.
We are able to produce a Class A biosolids product through a composting process that combines our chipped yard debris with our biosolids. The end result is a sustainable compost supply for our community which benefits our rate payers by reducing our biosolids disposal costs and producing a great soil amendment. Additionally, composting enables us to utilize a valuable resource that would otherwise go to waste.
“This program allows us to take care of two waste products — yard debris and biosolids — and produce a sustainable soil amendment for our community,”
Mike Miller, Public Works Director
How do I get FloGro?
The City will be offering FloGro for purchase every Tuesday between 10am and noon for $30 a yard no minimum. FloGro pick up at the Public Works Operations Center located at 2675 Kingwood Street. Please use the first driveway on the south side of 27th Street to enter the facility. Continue around the building and you will be met by a Public Works employee who can take your payment and help load your truck or trailer.
If you have any questions or need an alternative scheduled pick up contact Public Works at 541-997-4106.
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