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Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvement Project
Project Type:
Capital Project
Project Status:
Rhododendron Drive
Rhododendron Drive
See map: Google Maps
Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvement Project Open House
Did you miss the Rhody Drive Realignment and Improvement Project Open House? No problem! You can watch the presentation here.
During the March 6th Open House, City of Florence staff, RH2 Engineering, and K&E Excavating provided an informational presentation on the project that is set to start March 11, 2024.
This project aims to realign and improve Rhododendron Drive from Wildwinds to 35th Street, including water and sewer lines, retaining walls, roadway realignment and more.
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Project FAQ
Our Project Team has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers related to the Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvement Project. Questions that were asked during the Project Open House in March have been included on the website below. As we receive questions throughout the project, this list will be updated.
About the Project
Our project is not merely a roadway reconstruction project. It is also a water and wastewater pipe line replacement project along with the installation of a separated multi-use path. The project will also shift or move the roadway to the east in the area of Marine Manor south to the end of the river overlook pullout area. This is necessary in order to improve vision clearance (sight lines) and provide an enhanced parking area along the river.
One of the key features of the project is dealing with the slopes on the east side of Rhododendron Drive south of New Hope Lane. The project utilizes the slope to the benefit of the project by incorporating the multi-use path and elevating it in this section of the project. This will allow pedestrians and bicyclists a view of the river and sand dunes from above vehicle level.
The project will also install a pedestrian activated signal to allow pedestrians and bicyclists an opportunity to cross Rhododendron Drive east to west at New Hope Lane so they too can have access to the river.
Construction of this project is expected to take two years to complete due to the nature of the project, which includes utility relocation (overhead); retaining walls; vegetated stormwater facilities; realignment of the roadway; creation of a separated multi-use path; and realignment and reconstruction of New Hope Lane (in partnership with Lane County Waste Management Division).
Speed Change on Rhody Dr
When we held the Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvements Project Open House, we announced that recent legislation, namely HB 2909, allowed jurisdictions, including Florence, to lower statutory speeds 5-10 mph below the statutory speed limit. We were wanting to lower the speed to 35 MPH for Rhododendron Drive between Wildwinds and Heceta Beach Road. However, the speed on Rhododendron Drive is a designated speed zone and therefore cannot be lowered without a full speed study. We have apologized for our misunderstanding of how HB 2909 applied to the City’s ability in lowering the speed along Rhododendron Drive.
In September 2024, the City submitted a formal request to the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to conduct a speed study for Rhododendron Drive from 200 feet north of the entrance to Greentrees Village to Heceta Beach Road. The study will be completed later this year. Once we receive the results, we will share them with the community.
In 2018, the City also submitted a request to ODOT to conduct a speed study for Rhododendron Drive. At that time, the speed study found that the 40 MPH zone was appropriate for the roadway based on 85th percentile speeds, the moderate residential density and culture along the corridor. At that time the Average Daily Trips for Rhododendron Drive was 2,980.
What we currently know about speed along Rhododendron Drive
The City has two permanently mounted radar speed feedback signs that record traffic volumes and speeds on Rhododendron Drive. One is located on the south bound lane of Rhododendron Drive at Shelter Cove Way. The other sign is located on the north bound lane of Rhododendron Drive at 12th Street.
We recently downloaded the data from the two signs. For south bound traffic on Rhododendron Drive at Shelter Cove Way, the 85th-percentile speed was 43 mph (the posted speed is 40 mph). The 85th-percentile speed is the speed at or below which 85 percent of the vehicles are traveling. Additionally, the average speed along this section of roadway is 37 mph. 68% of the vehicles are respecting the current speed limit of 40 mph and 11% of the vehicles are traveling more than 45 mph.
The data from the north bound radar speed feedback sign at 12th and Rhododendron Drive indicated that the average vehicle speed is 30 mph with the 85th-percentile at 35 mph. The percentage of vehicles respecting the posted speed limit in that area of 30 mph is only 48% and 17% of the vehicles are traveling more than 35 mph.
One of the major factors in establishing speed zones is the consideration of the 85th-percentile speed. Why is this factor so important? The 85th-percentile is an indication of the speed most drivers feel is reasonable and safe. We need to remember that speed limits are set for ideal conditions. Drivers need to respond to adverse conditions and Oregon vehicle law requires that motorists drive at a reasonable and prudent speed and with a regard for danger. Motorists must adjust their speed according to the existing vehicle and pedestrian traffic, road surface, lighting, and weather conditions. No matter the posted speed, you should always maintain a safe speed while traveling on the roadway.
How are speed zones established and can they be changed?
As stated above, local road jurisdictions, do have some ability to lower the speed on statutory roads (alleys, residential districts and business districts), however for designated speed zones, the setting of the speed is still highly controlled and regulated.
Setting speed zones on Oregon’s highways and streets is often a controversial and emotional issue. Many citizens believe that lowering the speed will improve traffic safety on their street or in their community. On the other hand, speed zones that are unrealistic are often disregarded by a majority of motorists who are normally careful and law-abiding drivers.
The logic of speed zones
Extensive studies from around the U.S. show that traffic moving at a speed that is reasonable for the road and weather conditions results in fewer accidents. Drivers are more patient because a reasonably uniform speed allows progress with less passing, less delay and fewer rearend collisions. Lowering the speed does not necessarily result in fewer crashes.
Speed zone standards
In the absence of posted speed limits, Oregon state law gives motorists the following designated speeds:
15 mph – Alleys, narrow residential streets
20 mph – Business districts, school zones
25 mph – Residential districts, public parks, ocean shores
55 mph – Open and rural highways, trucks on interstate highways
65 mph – Autos on interstate highways
The Basic Rule
Designated and posted speeds are not the final word in Oregon, for all travel on public streets and highways is subject to the Basic Rule. The Basic Rule is both a safety valve and an acknowledgement that drivers are able to act independently, reasonably and with good judgment.
The Rule states that a motorist must drive at a speed that is reasonable and prudent at all times by considering other traffic, road and weather conditions, dangers at intersections and any other conditions that affect safety and speed.
The Basic Rule does not allow motorists to drive faster than the posted speed or designated speed. Instead, the Rule expects drivers to be responsible for their own actions.
What happens when a speed zone change is requested?
The Oregon Department of Transportation has the responsibility to investigate most public roads at the request of the road authority (in this case the City of Florence).
When a city or county asks ODOT to review a speed zone, an engineering study is started. The road is surveyed for the following:
• Lane and shoulder widths
• Signals and stop signs
• Number of intersections and other accesses
• Roadside development
• Parking and bicycle lanes
Other analysis includes:
• Number and type of vehicles
• Number of pedestrians and cyclists
• Crash history
• Speed checks
Radar and laser are used in speed checks, recording free flow traffic. Recognizing that most motorists are generally safe, the speed at or below which 85 percent of the drivers travel is one nationally recognized factor proven by repeated studies as a fair and objective indication of safe and reasonable speeds.
When the investigation is completed, a report is prepared. All of the above considerations are evaluated in deciding whether to propose a change, or retain the existing posted speed. The report is then sent to the agency with road authority for review.
Who decides?
If the road authority (City) agrees with the recommendation, the speed zone is established. If not, ODOT reviews the road authority’s objection and any additional information, and then if possible comes to a mutual agreement. If mutual agreement can’t be reached, the case is referred to the Speed Zone Review Panel.
Speed zone review panel
The Speed Zone Review Panel hears contested speed zone cases. The panel reviews the speed zone recommendation and receives testimony from the local agency and interested parties.
The panel consists of representatives from the League of Oregon Cities, Association of Oregon Counties, Oregon Transportation Safety Committee, Oregon State Police and ODOT.
Unlike other driver behaviors that can have a negative impact on safety, such as distracted driving, speed is also associated with positive benefits, including reduced travel times, greater mobility, and increased economic productivity due to lower transport and inventory costs and larger market areas. Thus, speed management involves balancing safety and efficiency in travel.
Specific advisory speeds are used in conjunction with warning signs like this one to indicate appropriate travel speeds at curves and intersections.
The effect posted speed limits have on actual traffic speeds
Posted speed has very little effect on actual traffic speeds. There is a common belief among citizens, and even by some officials, that the mere posting of speed limit signs will cause drivers to react accordingly. This is not true and is why posted speed limits must be realistic to receive compliance.
Unrealistically low speed limits will invite violation by responsible drivers. Enforcement of unreasonably low limits sets up the so-called "speed trap," which results in poor public relations. The posting of proper speed limits has the beneficial effects of smoothing traffic flow and aiding effective law enforcement.
The effect of installing lower speed limit signs
It is a common myth that posting slower speed signs forces drivers to slow down and will result in fewer traffic accidents. National research has shown that the prevailing traffic conditions and the type of street, not the posted speed limit, influence drivers. Generally, speed signs are typically installed at quarter-mile intervals on the major arterial streets and are posted at half-mile intervals on collector streets. Twenty-five mph speed signs are installed at the entrances to subdivisions where the speed zone changes from a higher posting (35 or 45 mph) to the residential speed (25-mph). It is not practical to install speed signs at the end of every residential street.
If an unreasonably low speed is posted, many drivers tend to ignore the signs. There are some drivers who, on the other hand, always try to stay within the posted speed. This can cause conflict between faster and slower drivers, resulting in more accidents. Traffic engineering studies help to determine the prevailing speed of most drivers using a certain street. Additionally, the studies take into account accident records and road conditions. An appropriate speed is then set based upon this data.
Installing stop signs to slow drivers down
Under the right conditions, STOP signs can play an important role in traffic safety. However, STOP signs installed in the wrong place usually create more problems than they solve. Many requests are received for STOP signs to interrupt traffic or slow traffic down. However, studies across the nation show that there are a high number of intentional violations when STOP signs are installed as nuisances or speed breakers.
STOP signs are installed at an intersection only after a careful engineering evaluation of the existing conditions indicates that their installation is appropriate. Four-way Stops are only helpful when traffic volumes are high and close to equal on all approaches to an intersection. Slowing traffic down in neighborhoods Speeding is typical of a large and diverse family of problems that has a complex set of human responses and reactions at its foundation. People tend to drive at the speed that they feel is safe and appropriate. They are also affected by the speeds that others are driving.
In many cases, the speeders are your neighbors (and possibly, you). Discussions among the neighbors can help to reduce the problem. The City has an educational program available, where citizens can call and request that the radar reader board be deployed to a specific area. The purpose of the program is to advise drivers of their speeds, call attention to inappropriate habits and involve the neighborhood in the process. The radar reader board deployment can be arranged for by contacting Florence Public Works at 541-997-4106.
Verification of a speeding problem will be forwarded to the Police Department so that they can schedule selective enforcement in the area as their resources allow. Under those circumstances, it is helpful to be able to advise the Police Department as to days and times of day when problem is most noticeable.
Last, and possibly most important, is our responsibility to drive safely and within the speed limit ourselves. Often, the most important part of the equation is YOU. When we drive safely and appropriately, it has a positive affect on the driving habits of others. The more of us that take that challenge seriously, the greater will be the positive impact on safety within our neighborhoods, and within our community, in general.
Status Updates
Construction Update - Week of October 28th
K&E Excavating crews completed the installation of the cable railing system for the handrail along the top of the Ultra Block retaining wall system last week.
With the contractor wrapping up their work and taking care of miscellaneous punch list items, City crews have started to install the rhododendrons and trees along the landscape strip between the parking area and the 5-foot walking path along the river. City crews also installed yellow and white delineators in various areas of the project.
For the week of October 28th, the project is in the final stages of construction activity. Public Works staff will complete the installation of the street trees, spread bark dust, and complete the irrigation system improvements in the landscape area between the parking area along the river and the 5-foot paved walking path. Crews will also reposition signage and placing additional thermoplastic striping to help with traffic flow and delineate the parking area along the river.
The City of Florence is excited to announce the reopening of Rhododendron Drive following the successful completion of the Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvement Project. A celebration will take place on November 1st at 10:00 AM, featuring remarks from Mayor Ward and members of the City Council. Full event details can be found at https://www.ci.florence.or.us/publicworks/rhododendron-drive-realignment-and-improvement-completion-celebration
Rhododendron Drive Reopening Celebration Scheduled for November 1st
The City of Florence is excited to announce the reopening of Rhododendron Drive following the successful completion of the Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvement Project. A celebration will take place on November 1st at 10:00 AM, featuring remarks from Mayor Ward and members of the City Council.
The project, which focused on enhancing safety and accessibility, included significant realignment and infrastructure improvements to better serve our community. The road will officially open to traffic no later than noon on November 1st.
Event Details:
- Date: Friday, November 1, 2024
- Time: 10:00 AM
- Location: Rhododendron Drive at the Siuslaw River Overlook
- Access: Attendees should enter the construction area via 9th Street from the south. City Public Works employees will be on-site to guide guests through the gate to the designated parking area.
Please note that Rhododendron Drive will remain closed during the presentation but will be accessible to traffic shortly after. K&E Excavating will remove the closure gates when the celebration attendees clear the roadway. We invite all community members to join us in celebrating this important milestone for Florence.
Safety Reminder: Rhododendron Drive is Closed in the Construction Zone
Our contractor, K&E Excavating has asked that we remind the community that Rhododendron Drive is closed during construction unless people are accessing a residence, the Oregon Coast Human Society, or the Lane County Transfer Station.
This closure includes bicyclists and pedestrians, as well as vehicular traffic. They have seen an increase in bicyclists and pedestrians trying to pass through the corridor. This is unsafe in an active construction zone. Please help keep the construction zone safe and adhere to the road closed signs and the instructions from the crews working.
Thank you for keeping this project moving efficiently and safely!
Construction Update - Week of October 21st
K&E Excavating crews have been installing the handrail along the top of the Ultra Block retaining wall that supports the multi-use path in front of the soil nail wall. The contractor set the post and welded the top rail into place. They completed their work on the stormwater system last week.
City Utility division crews installed the irrigation system on the planter between the parking area and the 5-foot paved walking path along the Siuslaw River. Crews also started to prepare the planter locations where the street trees and rhododendrons will be installed.
For the week of October 21st, K&E Excavating will be installing the stainless-steel cables for the handrail system along the Ultra Block retaining wall that supports the multi-use path. Public Works staff will complete the installation of the street trees, rhododendrons, and drip irrigation system in the landscape area between the parking area along the river and the 5-foot paved walking path.
The City is currently planning the reopening celebration and will make an announcement later this week. We will receive an updated from the contractor on the status of the punch list items remaining at our weekly check in meeting. We anticipate the road to open in November.
Stay tuned for full details!
Construction Update - Week of October 14th
Due to the rains that the state received the week striping was scheduled, Specialized Pavement Marking, Inc (SPM) rescheduled the striping of Rhododendron Drive to Tuesday October 8th. With gray skies and the threat of rain holding off early last week, SPM crews were able to stripe the roadway, including the installation of the ‘blue line’ and Leaving Tsunami Zone thermoplastic legends.
For the week of October 14th, K&E Excavating crews will continue their work on the stormwater swale between the roadway and Ultra Block retaining wall that supports the multi-use path. A subcontractor for K&E Excavating has been core drilling the Ultra Block retaining wall that supports the multi-use path for the posts for the handrail system. On Thursday, October 10th, K&E crews starting to install the handrail system. The City will work on preparing to install the landscaping along the riverfront area between the parking and walking areas.
We have received several questions regarding when the road will reopen... especially since the striping look so nice. We understand the eagerness to get back into this section of the roadway, but there is still construction occurring with large vehicles. Landscaping and irrigation work will be underway shortly with equipment in the roadway, as well as continued work on the stormwater swales and railing installation. Don't worry... we will definitely join in the celebration when the road is ready to reopen.
Construction Update - Week of October 7th
The paving contractor returned last week to pave the multi-use path. With paving complete, K&E Excavating crews concentrated their efforts on placing gravel along the edge of the path adjacent the Siuslaw River viewing area and started the process of shaping the drainage swales.
For the week of October 7th, K&E Excavating crews will continue their work on the stormwater swale between the roadway and Ultra Block retaining wall that supports the multi-use path. The specialty striping contractor will begin applying the thermoplastic center line and fog lines on Rhododendron Drive on Monday, October 7th, weather dependent. The City will work on preparing to install the landscaping along the riverfront area between the parking and walking areas.
We know that there are a lot of fishing enthusiasts who would live to be in the project area right now. The construction zone along the river is still closed, which includes closure to people walking through and fishing. Our contractors are having to ask people every day to not park in the newly finished stormwater areas, the landscaping areas, between the no-parking signs, and any other space they are able to find a makeshift parking spot. This activity is a safety concern and pulls the contractor away from completing the project. Please help us keep the construction zone safe, and abide by the no parking and road closure signage.
Construction Update - Week of September 30th
K&E has been busy coordinating paving over the past week. On Friday, September 20th they took care of the water main trench and the base lift on the north travel lane. Last Monday they completed the base lift on the south travel lane and the parking area along the river. On Tuesday they did final paving on the parking area. With rain on Wednesday, they paused paving but were able to hydroseed the the slopes at the end of the soil nail wall. They were able to work on the top lift of Rhody Drive on Thursday and Friday.
For the week of September 30th, the paving contractor will be returning on Tuesday, October 1st, to pave the multi-use path from Wildwinds to New Hope Lane. K&E will continue to work on other items within the project area such as hand railings and scheduling the other subcontractors.
Paving Activity Alert: With the contractor paving in the project area, there will be compaction and rolling during these activities. This process does result in vibration that residents and visitors near the project area will feel.
What is hydroseeding? Hydroseeding is a process of combining a mixture called a slurry (seed, mulch, fertilizer, soil amendments and water) in a hydroseeder tank and then applying the mixture to the slope surface using high pressure. Hydroseeding is an erosion control technique for construction sites, as an alternative to the traditional process of broadcasting or sowing dry seed mixes.
Construction Update - Week of September 23rd
Subcontractor RLC finished the curbing on the Ultra Block retaining wall this week, which completes the concrete work for the project. K&E Excavation crews completed the backfilling of the Ultra Block retaining wall system and began the process of grading the area between the soil nail wall and the Ultra Block for paving operations.
K&E crews continued their work preparing the roadway, parking area, paved pathway along the river and multi-use path for paving. Due to rains last week and again this week, the subcontractor for paving needed to reschedule paving operations. Paving operations began Friday. Public Works also ordered the seed to plant the stormwater swales along the project area.
For the week of September 23rd, the paving contractor will be continuing the paving of Rhododendron Drive, including the multi-use path and the 5-foot wide paved pathway along the Siuslaw River. K&E Excavating crews will continue work supporting the paving operations, including mulching along the paved pathway and multi-use path. A specialty subcontractor is scheduled to hydroseed the south end of the project area on the east side of Rhododendron Drive (where the large fill area is located) between Wildwinds Street and the beginning of the soil nail wall.
Paving Activity Alert: With the contractor paving in the project area, there will be compaction and rolling during these activities. This process does result in vibration that residents and visitors near the project area will feel.
Construction Update - Week of September 16th
K&E Excavating crews completed the installation of the Ultra Block retaining wall system including the placement of the drainage system and backfilling of the retaining wall. McDowell Shotcrete & Concrete LLC, completed the application of the 2-inch-thick architectural finish on the soil nail wall and the drainage channel along the top of the wall.
Crews from K&E Excavating will continue to work on roadway base rock and complete the fine grading necessary, including compaction of the gravel, for paving the roadway and parking area along the river. Currently, paving is scheduled for September 18th – 20th of Rhododendron Drive between Wildwinds and New Hope Lane, weather permitting. RLC will pour the concrete for the curbing on top of the Ultra Block retaining wall along the north end of the project.
Compaction Activity Alert: With the contractor creating the road base and the base for the multi-use path there will be compaction in these areas. This process does result in some vibration that residents and visitors near the project area will feel. In addition, paving activities also will create vibration due to rolling the and compacting the pavement.
During construction, our contractor has experienced theft and vandalism of their equipment and materials at the job site. This activity is not a reflection of Florence as a community and is very disappointing. If you live in the area, you can help us by reporting any non-construction activity you may notice in the construction area to the Police Department, including people trying to get past the locked gates.
Construction Update - Week of September 9th
K&E Excavating crews continued to excavate for and install the Ultra Block retaining wall system in front of the soil nail wall. In addition to installing the Ultra Block retaining wall system, K&E Excavating has started to install the drainage system that will be under the multi-use path in front of the soil nail wall and backfilling the Ultra Blocks.
For the week of September 9th, crews from K&E Excavating will continue to install the Ultra Block retaining wall system and work on placing the base material for the paved path along the top of the river bank as well as begin the process of building the roadway section of Rhododendron Drive.
McDowell Shotcrete & Concrete LLC, will be applying the final architectural treatment to the soil nail wall. They are also using shotcrete to create the drainage channel at the top of the soil nail wall. The drainage channel will capture storm runoff from the property above the retaining wall so that sand, soil and storm runoff does not flow over the face of the new soil nail wall.
Compaction Activity Alert: With the contractor creating the road base and the base for the multi-use path there will be compaction in these areas. This process does result in some vibration that residents and visitors near the project area will feel.
During construction, our contractor has experienced theft and vandalism of their equipment and materials at the job site. This activity is not a reflection of Florence as a community and is very disappointing. If you live in the area, you can help us by reporting any non-construction activity you may notice in the construction area to the Police Department, including people trying to get past the locked gates.
Construction Update - Week of September 3rd
K&E Excavating crews continued to excavate for and install the Ultra Block retaining wall system in front of the soil nail wall. This retaining wall will raise the separated multi-use path in this area providing pedestrians and bicyclists more protection and a better view of the river and dunes. They have also started to work on the roadway subgrade.
RLC installed 982 lineal feet of standard ‘C’ type vertical curb along the west side of Rhododendron in the pull-out parking area. This curb is the barrier curbing that prevents vehicles from driving into the landscape area. RLC has also formed and poured the curbing on top of the Ultra Block retaining wall.
For the week of September 3rd, crews from K&E Excavating will continue to install the Ultra Block retaining wall system and work on placing the base material for the paved path along the top of the river bank. They will also begin the process of building the roadway section of Rhododendron Drive. The specialty contractor will be on site to applying the 2-inch-thick architectural finish to the soil nail wall. This treatment will provide for a smoother and more uniform finish to the soil nail wall.
Compaction Activity Alert: With the contractor creating the road base and the base for the multi-use path there will be compaction in these areas. This process does result in some vibration that residents and visitors near the project area will feel.
Have you noticed activity on 10th Street, off of Kingwood? K&E Excavating crews have brought in additional fill material to the 10th Street spoils disposal area owned by the City south end of the airport. The crews have used their Cat dozer to push the fill material into its final place.
Construction Update - Week of March August 26th
The soil nail wall specialty contractor, DBM, has completed their portion of the soil nail wall and passed final proof testing. A final architectural finish to the soil nail wall will be applied the week of September 3rd. K&E Excavating crews continue to excavate for the Ultra Block wall foundation for the retaining wall at the front of the elevated multi-use path. With the soil nail wall completed, they have made significant progress and has installed approximately 400 lineal feet of the Ultra Block retaining wall system. The contractor has also started to place the base material for the paved path along the top of the river bank in the river viewing area.
For the week of August 26th, K&E Excavating crews will install the curb along the west side of Rhododendron in the pull out parking area. They will continue to install the Ultra Block retaining wall system and work on placing the base material for the paved path along the top of the river bank, as well as begin the process of building the roadway section of Rhododendron Drive.
Compaction Activity Alert: With the contractor creating the road base and the base for the multi-use path there will be compaction in these areas. This process does result in some vibration that residents and visitors near the project area will feel.
Construction Update - Week of August 19th
The soil nail wall specialty contractor, DBM, has made tremendous progress and completed the installation of all of the soil nails. DBM has completed the shotcrete application for the northern half of the soil nail wall and worked to install the rebar and mesh on the southern half of the wall area. K&E Excavating crews have begun to excavate for the Ultra Block wall foundation for the retaining wall for the elevated path and starting the work of building the subbase for this new section of Rhododendron Drive. In order to achieve compaction, the contractor will be utilizing vibratory rollers to compact the crushed gravel to 95% of its maximum possible dry density, which is crucial in enhancing pavement strength, stability, and longevity.
For the week of August 19th, DBM Contractors will continue their work finishing the soil nail wall. DBM Contractors will also be removing their equipment from the work zone to allow K&E Excavating to build the Ultra Block retaining wall and build the new road base and parking area along the Siuslaw River. K&E Excavating will be working on the future roadway alignment.
In pavement construction, the base and subbase are both layers of compacted aggregate material that sit between the subgrade and the pavement layers. The base is the top layer and supports the pavement, while the subbase is the bottom layer and provides a foundation for the pavement. The base is a load-bearing layer that provides strength and support to the pavement and helps distribute the load evenly over the subgrade, improves drainage, and reduces the risk of settlement and heaving. The subbase is a granular layer that sits directly below the base and is also made of crushed aggregate.
Construction Update - Week of August 12th
K&E Excavating crews had all of the sewer manholes pressure and vacuum tested after the completion of the manhole lining project. All of the manholes successfully passed their tests. The soil nail wall specialty contractor, DBM Contractors, is making progress. They have completed the entire second panel of soil nails and have applied a coating of shotcrete to that area. Crews from K&E Excavating have started to excavate additional soils so that DBM Contractors can continue the process of installing the next row of soil nails.
For the week of August 12th, DBM Contractors will continue their work on installing additional soil nails and K&E Excavating will be working on the future roadway alignment.
Reminder, there is now a hard closure of Wildwinds to New Hope Lane for all vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. Access to the Oregon Coast Humane Society and the Lane County Transfer Station will be available from 35th Street.
Construction Update - Week of August 5th
K&E Excavating crews were able to add the thermoplastic striping and other pavement markings on the new pavement from 35th Street to New Hope Lane. Crews also worked on several stormwater facilities throughout the corridor and continued work on the large soil nail retaining wall.
For the week of August 8th, K&E Excavating crews will transition the closure area and business access points as outlined below. Work will focus on the area between Wildwinds and New Hope Lane. They will be continuing work on the soil nail wall and the stormwater facilities.
Beginning August 5th, there will be a hard closure of Wildwinds to New Hope Lane for all vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. Access to the Oregon Coast Humane Society and the Lane County Transfer Station will be available from 35th Street.
The project has widened Rhododendron Drive at 35th Street to provide a dedicated south bound through lane and a south bound left turn lane onto 35th Street east bound. With these improvements and the reopening of Rhododendron from 35th Street to New Hope Lane, the intersection of Rhododendron Drive and 35th Street becomes an all-way stop. Please adhere to the new signage and be cautions with the change in traffic control.
Construction Update - Week of July 29th
K&E Excavating crews worked on reinforcing the manholes with concrete in the paved area, working on shaping the stormwater facility between the roadway and multi-use path, installing handrails on one of the retaining walls, and continued work on the large soil nail retaining wall.
For the week of July 29th, K&E Excavating crews will be striping the newly paved section with thermoplastic. The sewer manholes will receive the interior surface coating to insulate them from the corrosive environmental conditions. They will be continuing work on the soil nail wall and the stormwater facilities.
Due to the nature of how thermoplastic road striping and markings are applied, there cannot be any moisture on the roadway. With weather forecasts calling for rain on Monday, the striping may be delayed a day or two. The traffic pattern change at the intersection of Rhododendron Drive and 35th Street will be postponed until Monday, August 5th. The City has deployed one of our portable reader boards on Rhododendron Drive, south of Fairway Estates to alert motorist of the traffic pattern change effective August 5, 2024.
Traffic Pattern Change – 35th and Rhododendron Drive
The City of Florence will be changing the Traffic Pattern on Rhododendron Drive at 35th Street from a single STOP west bound on 35th Street to an all-way STOP beginning August 5, 2024 (Updated 7/28/24 due to weather).
The Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvement Project has widened Rhododendron Drive at 35th Street to provide a dedicated south bound through lane and a south bound left turn lane onto 35th Street east bound. The City is taking advantage of the improvements and creating an all-way STOP at that intersection.
Full details on the Traffic Pattern Change can be found here.
Construction Update - Week of July 22nd
K&E Excavating crews were busy paving Rhododendron Drive from the south side of New Hope Lane to the north side of 35th Street last week. Work on the soil nail wall continued last week as the contractor continues to build up the retaining wall for the elevated section of multi-use path.
For the week of July 22nd, K&E Excavating crews will begin working on the installation of the stormwater facility on the east side of Rhododendron Drive, between the multi-use path and the new roadway. In addition, K&E crews will be assisting the soil nail wall contractor by benching (removing soil to create horizontal levels) the area of the retaining wall to allow the soil nail machine to work its way from the top to the bottom of the wall area.
⛔ While sections of the roadway and multi-use path will soon have new pavement, it is not open for public use. This area is still an active construction zone and is closed to bicycles, pedestrians, and through traffic.
Construction Update - Week of July 15th
K&E Excavating crews have been completing working the final grading of the roadway in preparations to pave Rhododendron Drive from the south side of New Hope Lane to the north side of 35th Street, in addition to working on ADA ramps and sidewalks. The soil nail wall specialty contractor has started the process to install the actual soil nails in the retaining wall for the elevated section of the multi-use path.
For the week of July 15th, K&E Excavating’s crews will be paving Rhododendron Drive from the south side of New Hope Lane to the north side of 35th Street. This work will include compaction and vibration in the paving area. Work on the soil nail wall will also continue.
⛔ While sections of the roadway and multi-use path will soon have new pavement, it is not open for public use. This area is still an active construction zone and is closed to bicycles, pedestrians, and through traffic.
What is shotcrete? Shotcrete is used in the construction of the soil nail wall to seal the plate that covers the exposed end of the soil nails. In addition, a thin layer (approximately 1.5-inches) of shotcrete has been applied on the exposed cut slope that will be above the retaining wall to help keep the sandy soils from eroding into the gutter along the top of the retaining wall and spilling onto the multi-use path below.
Rhody Drive Realignment & Improvement Project Update - Week of July 8th
K&E Excavating made quick work during the shortened holiday week and paved the separated multi-use path from 35th to New Hope Lane. K&E crews paved that section of the path in two days, allowing them to complete cleanup work as well as placement of composted yard debris (not FloGro) to cover the bare sand and soils on the east side of the multi-use path.
⛔ While this section of the multi-use path is paved, it is not open for public use yet. This area is still an active construction zone and is closed to bicycles, pedestrians, and through traffic.
For the week of July 8th, K&E Excavating’s crews will be working on Rhody Drive between 35th and New Hope Lane completing the final grade work, including using laser-guided transits and automatic motor graders to grade the surface to be paved. They will be preparing the sub-base through compaction rolling the gravel in preparation to pave Rhody Drive from just north of 35th Street to the south side of New Hope Lane. Work will also continue drilling the vertical columns for the soil nail wall system.
What is compaction rolling? Compaction rolling utilizes vibratory rollers to further compact the gravel to ensure that the sub base provides a stable surface to support the new pavement. Compaction is an important part of this preparation process. When areas are filled in to reach the required elevation level, compaction gets the soils into thin layers. These thin layers produce a flat, highly dense soil that will remain stable under the new pavement and extend the life of the roadway.
Construction Update - Week of July 1st
K&E Excavating has mobilized the soil nail wall subcontractor to begin work on the large retaining wall for the elevated portion of the multi-use path. K&E also brought in their asphalt milling machine to grind out some additional pavement on Rhododendron Drive near Wildwinds and at 35th Street. Work continued on the new curbs and ADA ramps.
For the week of July 1st, construction work will occur Monday to Wednesday. K&E crews are continuing their effort to grade for the multi-use path between 35th and New Hope Lane along Rhododendron Drive. Paving of the multi-use path is scheduled for Monday through Wednesday, depending on weather. The soil nail wall system construction will continue, with drilling of the vertical columns for the wall system in the area south of New Hope Lane.
A New Discovery: A sink hole developed on the shoulder of Rhododendron Drive in the area of an abandoned stormwater crossing on Rhododendron Drive. K&E and the City excavated to find the cause, but the results were inconclusive. Since it is in the area of the abandoned stormwater line, City crews will excavate and uncover the stormwater line, cut the stormwater line (it was supposed to be grout filled and abandoned in place) to see if there is a void in the actual pipe that is allowing water to flow through the pipe and siphon away soil creating the sink hole. Thankfully they found it now and can address it!
Rhody Drive Realignment & Improvement Project Update - Week of June 24th
K&E Excavating continued work on the pedestrian crossing, curbs, and ADA ramps. They began work to prep the multi-use path for paving and continued preparations for the installation of the soil nail wall. CLPUD and other utilities continued work on relocation of utilities throughout the project area.
For the week of June 24th, work will continue preparing for paving the multi-use pathway. Paving of the path is anticipated to begin the first week of July. Additionally, K&E Excavating's subcontractor for the soil nail wall will being mobilizing this week and work will begin on the retaining wall.
What can I expect during paving activities? The areas to be paved throughout the project will include compaction and rolling during paving. This process does result in some vibration that residents and visitors near the project area will feel. Unlike the prior compaction activities that added additional fill south of the transfer station, these activities will faster and not ongoing. The fill at the transfer station needed to be compacted after every one foot of fill, which is why it lasted several days. For paving, they will compact and roll during the paving process, but it will complete after that.
Construction Update - Week of June 17th
K&E Excavating successfully completed the installation of the final customer sewer laterals last week. Prior to the actual final connections, the contractor poured the new channels in the manholes. With this work complete, they we able to place the new 18-inch sewer line into service. The concrete specialty contractor for K&E Excavating continued to install the new curbs and ADA ramps for the multi-use path and roadway.
For the week of June 17th, work will continue on forming and pouring the new curbs for the roadway. With the sewer line complete, crews will work on preparing to pave the sewer trench north of 35th. They will also be completing grading work for the multi-use path. Additionally, as CLPUD completes their relocation of the electrical transmission and distribution lines, K&E Excavating will begin the process of preparing the slope areas south of New Hope Lane for the soil nail retaining wall system.
What is a Soil Nail Wall? A soil nail wall uses grouted, tension-resisting steel (nails) to reinforce soils and create a gravity retaining wall for permanent support. Soil nail walls are constructed from the top down. Soil is excavated in three to six foot deep stages. After each excavation stage, near-horizontal holes are drilled into the exposed face at typically three to six-foot centers. Tension-resisting steel bars are inserted into the holes and grouted in place. A drainage system is installed on the exposed face, followed by the application of reinforced shotcrete wall facing. The finished soil nails produce a zone of reinforced ground.
Construction Update - Week of June 10th
K&E Excavating successfully completed the 18-inch sewer line installation this week! The contractors were also able to construct a temporary bypass at 35th Street to keep traffic moving during the construction at the intersection. Concrete specialty contractors have installed the new curbs and ADA ramp for the 10-foot-wide multi-use path on the south side of New Hope Lane, as well as the curbing for the pedestrian crossing on the NW corner of New Hope Lane and Rhododendron Drive. Central Lincoln PUD have begun the process of pulling in the new electrical transmission and distribution lines.
For the week of June 10th, will continue their work installing the new sewer service laterals and testing the new 18-inch sewer main. The concrete specialty contractor will continue their work forming and pouring the new curbs for the roadway. Additionally, as Central Lincoln PUD completes their relocation of the electrical transmission and distribution lines, K&E Excavating will begin the process of preparing the slope areas south of New Hope Lane for the retaining wall system.
What happens once the sewer line is installed? Once the new 18-inch sewer line has passed the air and vacuum tests, including the manholes, they will video inspect the new line. After successfully passing all tests, the contractor will then make the final connection to the existing sewer line north of 35th. Once all of this work is completed, the contractor will complete permanent trench patching of the sewer line on Rhododendron Drive from 35th, north to the final connection point.
Construction Update - Week of June 3rd
K&E Excavating continued installation of the 18-inch sanitary sewer line last week. In addition, they completed the new shoulder along New Hope Lane with stormwater facilities, and continued work on placing fill for the new multi-use path. CLPUD also continued their work on relocating utility poles and lines.
⚠️ Due to work at 35th Street to tie in the new sewer line with the system and trenching through the intersection, additional flaggers will be at the Rhody & 35th Street intersection with traffic reduced to one lane. Motorists should plan on an additional 10 minutes of travel time if traveling in this area. Residents living in the area of Rhododendron Drive north of 35th Street are advised to use to Heceta Beach Road to get to Hwy 101 in order to avoid traffic congestion.
For the week of June 3rd, K&E Excavating will continue their work installing the new sewer main line in Rhododendron Drive north of 35th. They will also continue retaining wall installation and begin curb installation.
Did you know? This Friday (Noon - 5pm) and Saturday (8am - 2pm) is the FREE Florence Household Hazardous Waste Collection at the Lane County Transfer Station. K& Excavating will be making sure the construction zone is safe for those attending the event starting at noon on Friday. For full details on the disposal event, visit https://www.ci.florence.or.us/bc-emac/florence-household-hazardous-waste-collection-event.
Construction Update - Business Access
Business access to the Lane County Transfer Station and the Oregon Coast Humane Society will remain available from 9th Street. Please proceed cautiously through the work zones if needing business or residential access, and adhere to the flaggers during construction to keep the crews and public safe.
Construction Update - Week of May 27th
K&E Excavating continued installation of the 18-inch sanitary sewer line last week. In addition, they worked on relocating fire hydrants, installation of the new stormwater catch basin for the Transfer Station, construction of retaining walls, and work on placing fill for the new multi-use path. CLPUD also continued their work on relocating utility poles and lines.
Memorial Day - K&E Excavating will not be on site Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. They will begin work on Tuesday this week.
For the week of May 27th, K&E Excavating will continue their work on Tuesday installing the new sewer main line northward towards 35th Street. They will also continue their work cutting the slope back between New Hope Lane and the south end of the river overlook area in preparation for the retaining wall. Crews will also be placing additional fill material in the area east of Wildwinds.
Did you know? Since New Hope Lane has to consistently carry weighted loads from the semi-trucks that transfer the trash from Florence to Short Mountain Landfill east of Eugene, the new pavement section is 12-inches of compacted crushed rock with 6-inches of Mot Mix Asphalt Cement (HMAC). This compares to a typical cross section of 4-inches of HMAC on top of 8-inches of crushed rock. As of last week, New Hope Lane is now fully paved and this portion of the project is complete!
Construction Update - Week of May 20th
K&E Excavating completed the water tie-ins at Marine Manner, New Hope Lane and Wildwinds on Tuesday, May 14th. With this work completed, the new water system is online and operational. They also put in a full week of installing the 18-inch sanitary sewer line. CLPUD was also able to access the final section of the construction area to relocated their utility poles once it was cleared for the new roadway and multi-use path realignment.
For the week of May 20th, K&E Excavating will continue their work installing the new sewer main line northward towards 35th Street, as well as stormwater catch basin installation near the Transfer Station. In addition, they are scheduled to pave New Hope Lane beginning Wednesday, May 23rd through noon on Friday.
With the new sewer line installation, residents that live in the 3400 block of Rhododendron Drive and south (including Marine Manor) should use 9th Street to access your homes. Due to the sewer line work, the area north of these residents near the sewer pump station will be for emergency access only.
Did you know? Due to the depth of the new sewer main line, the contractor encountered what we refer to as ‘blow sand.' Blow sand is an extremely dry and fine sand which is not stable and flows like water into the trench. This required the contractor to use extra care and driving 1-inch-thick metal sheets alongside their trench box in order to keep the ‘blow sand’ from filling the trench and making the excavation extremely wide. With the additional care comes time and slows the production rate (amount of pipe material that the contractor can install). Given the circumstances the contractor is still advancing the project in a timely manner.
Construction Update - Week of May 13th
K&E Excavating plans to have work wrapped up this week on Thursday due to Rhody Days!
K&E Excavating completed the 24-inch core drilling of the Siuslaw Village Sewer Pump Station wet well for the new 18-inch gravity sewer line last week, they cleaned the existing stormwater lines in preparation for connecting the new lines, and they began relocating fire hydrants between 35th Street and New Hope Lane.
For the week of May 13th, K&E Excavating will continue their work installing the new sewer main line northward towards 35th Street, and work on the tie-ins for the new water system.
On Tuesday, May 14th, they will be working on the final water tie-ins, which will require a water system shut down from 9am until 3pm. Water customers in Marine Manor, Wildwinds, as well at the Humane Society and Transfer Station, will not have water during that time. We anticipate the impact will be shorter, but we like to prepare for unknowns in our timing window.
With the new sewer line installation, residents that live in the 3400 block of Rhododendron Drive and south (including Marine Manor) should use 9th Street to access your homes. Due to the sewer line work, the area north of these residents near the sewer pump station will be for emergency access only.
What happens to the wastewater during the transition to the new line? Well... the contractor installed the bypass sewer pumping system to transfer the sewer from one of the active sanitary sewer manholes to the pump station to facilitate the installation of the new manhole over to the existing sewer line. The installation of an 18-inch sewer line is a bit slower than that of a water main line. With the sewer line deeper and then having to install the manholes, the process just takes longer.
Construction Update - Week of May 6th
K&E Excavating continues to move efficiently. They brought in a second crew last week and began asphalt grinding from Wildwinds to New Hope Lane. They continued work on the water and stormwater systems in the project area. In addition, they met with the City project team and Lane County Waste Management for coordination.
For the week of May 6th, the contractor will continue their work in realigning and reconstructing New Hope Lane and work on the retaining walls. They will continuing their way north with the milling machines to complete the asphalt grinding between New Hope Lane to 35th Street. Work on the installation of the new sewer main line, beginning at the Siuslaw Village sewer pump station and working north will also begin this week.
With the new sewer line installation, residents that live in the 3400 block of Rhododendron Drive and south (including Marine Manor) should use 9th Street to access your homes. Due to the sewer line work, the area north of these residents near the sewer pump station will be for emergency access only.
Construction Update - Week of April 29th
K&E Excavating continues to make fast work of the project. Last week they completed the installation of the Ultrablock precast concrete retaining wall #1, which is located north of the Siuslaw Village sewer pump station (south of 35th Street). They also started to install the Ultrablock precast concrete retaining wall #5, which is located on the west side of Rhododendron Drive north of Wildwinds Street. K&E Excavating crews completed work on various portions of the new stormwater system, including pouring a pour in place manhole bottom where the new stormwater system connects to the existing stormwater system at Wildwinds.
For the week of April 29th, the contractor will continue their work in realigning and reconstructing New Hope Lane and complete the installation of Retaining Wall #5. The contractor will also be continuing their work widening the roadway section north of New Hope Lane to accommodate stormwater facilities as well as the separated multi-use path.
With the contractor continuing the work to realign and reconstruct New Hope Lane, access to the Oregon Coast Humane Society and the Lane County Transfer Station will be available, however, there will be flaggers staged to control traffic. Motorists can expect some delay in entering and exiting New Hope Lane.
Construction Update - Week of April 22nd
K&E Excavating completed the new water line installation along Rhody Drive last week, as well as completed one of the retaining walls. They were also hard at work installing the irrigation system for the landscape planter along the Siuslaw River overlook area, installing stormwater infrastructure, and installing new water services and meters for when we transfer service to the new water main. Central Lincoln PUD crews have also been in the area setting the relocated utility poles.
For the week of April 22nd, the contractor will continue work to widen the road base, installation of the new sewer line, and begin construction for the realignment of New Hope Lane.
With the contractor beginning to realign and reconstruct New Hope Lane, access to the Oregon Coast Humane Society and the Lane County Transfer Station will be available, however, there will be flaggers staged to control traffic. Motorists can expect some delay in entering and exiting New Hope Lane
Heceta Beach Road Paving - Week of April 15th
The City was notified last week by Heceta Water Peoples Utility District (Heceta Water PUD) that their contractor may begin paving operations on the west bound lane of Heceta Beach Road between Hwy 101 and Rhododendron Drive/4th Avenue, weather dependent, starting Monday, April 15th.
Their contractor will be completing a grind/inlay of the west bound travel lane as part of Heceta Water PUD 16-inch water main installation project. A grind/inlay is when a large machine, commonly called a milling machine or profiler is used to grind out 2-inches of the travel lane pavement. Once the travel lane has been milled, a paving machine is brought in to place the new pavement and rollers are used to compact the new asphalt.
This is not part of the Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project.
Depending on traffic, motorist’s can expect a 10-15 minute delay if they are traveling on Heceta Beach Road. Since the only alternate to Heceta Beach Road is 35th Street, residents in the Heceta Beach area may want to choose to travel on 35th Street to reach Hwy 101 in order to avoid the paving delay. This may create additional traffic and congestion on 35th Street. We request everyone’s patience as they seek alternate routes impacted by construction activities.
If you have any questions on this paving project, please contact Heceta Water PUD at 541-997-2446 or online at https://hwpud.com/contact-us.
Construction Update - Week of April 15th
K&E Excavating has been busy with the new water main installation and starting the retaining wall construction. Central Lincoln PUD crews have also been in the area trimming trees and relocating the utility poles.
For the week of April 15th, the contractor will continue work on the retaining wall towards the north end of the project area, continue widening the road base for the realignment and improvements, and continue installation of the new 8-inch water main.
Construction Update - Week of April 8th
K&E Excavating has been clearing, grubbing, and widening on the east side of Rhododendron Drive for the creating the stormwater swale and the multi-use path, as well as excavation related to the retaining walls. Crews have also been removing vegetation in the work area under the existing utility poles to prepare for relocation.
For the week of April 8th, the contractor will continue work on the retaining wall towards the north end of the project area, continue widening the road base for the realignment and improvements, and will begin to install the new 8-inch water main starting at the south end of Marine Manor and work south to Wildwinds.
Construction Update - Week of April 1st
It might be April Fool's Day, but we aren't fooling anyone... K&E Excavating, Inc is starting to move Rhody Drive!
Construction activity this week includes finishing up clearing and grubbing in the project area. They will continue working on the west side of Rhody Drive where the road will be widened. Starting this week, the contractor will begin working on the retaining walls along the corridor.
For the week of April 1st, Rhododendron Drive will continue to be closed to thru traffic from 9th Street to 35th Street. Residents in the area from Marine Manor to 35th Street will continue to have access through the construction zone. Please proceed cautiously through the work zones if needing business or residential access. Please adhere to the flaggers during construction to keep the crews and public safe. Please use alternate routes for all other travel.
Construction Update - Week of March 25th
K&E Excavating, Inc has construction activity in full swing. Beginning Monday, March 25th, Rhododendron Drive will be closed to through traffic from 9th Street to 35th Street. Flaggers will be stationed at 35th Street and Wildwinds Street. Please adhere to the flaggers during construction to keep the crews and public safe.
Construction activity this week includes site preparation in the project area, tree trimming by Central Lincoln PUD in preparation for moving power and communications lines, and additional utility work.
Construction Update - Week of March 18th
K&E Excavating, Inc began construction activity on Rhododendron Drive near 35th Street on Monday, March 18th. The contractor will be clearing and grubbing north of the intersection of 35th Street on the west side of Rhododendron Drive. Work will continue to the south of the intersection.
This work will require a temporary lane closure of the south bound lane of Rhododendron Drive and traffic control and flaggers will be in place to direct traffic. Duration of a stop at a flagger location is dependent upon how much traffic is occurring. During certain times of the day, traffic stoppage will be very minimal (less than five minutes) but during peak time (larger volumes of traffic) the motoring public should plan on an additional 10 minutes of travel time to get to their destination.
City of Florence Public Works crews will also be working in the area on the west side of Rhododendron Drive. City crews will be removing an old metered water inter-tie connection that was discovered during site investigative work in relation to the widening that will occur at the intersection of 35th and Rhododendron Drive.