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Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project FAQ

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers related to the Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvement Project. Questions that were asked during the Project Open House in March have been included below. As we receive questions throughout the project, this list will be updated.
If you have a question about the Project, please email it to the Public Works Department at publicworks@ci.florence.or.us.
Who do I contact with question on the Rhody Drive project?
For questions or concerns related to the Rhododendron Drive Realignment and Improvement Project, please contact Florence Public Works by email at publicworks@ci.florence.or.us or phone at 541-997-4106.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
What is the construction time line? What is the timing of each phase? Will they overlap?
The project started March 11th 2024 and is expected to last till December of 2025. If it is done sooner, we could have a parade that much earlier! There will be a lot of over lapping in the 3 different phases of the project. There might even be a time when all three work phases are happening at once.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
What are the different Phases?
- Phase 1: North of 35th to the north side of New Hope Lane
- Phase 2: New Hope
- Phase 3: New Hope Lane to Wildwinds
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will emergency vehicles have access to the residences and businesses in the project area?
Yes, just like our other projects, emergency service vehicles and personnel will have access to the project area. The contractor will work to ensure safe access by emergency services if they need to respond to a call either in the construction zone, or to a residence or business that is reached through the construction zone. In addition, the contractor has the contact information for the Dispatch Center and the Dispatch Center has the ability to reach the contractor if there is information that needs to be shared.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will school busses be able to access the area for pick up and drop off of students in the area?
Yes, the contractor has coordinated with the Siuslaw School District to ensure that school bus access remains available. They will work to ensure the busses can make it through the project area in an efficient and timely manner.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will power lines be placed underground with this project?
Unfortunately, no. Due to the nature of the high voltage power lines, the amount of insulation and size of conduit, it is not economically feasible to underground the overhead high voltage electrical lines.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
How will residents/businesses be notified of utility interruptions?
Before the water shut off, we will have door hangers for impacted residents and businesses. You can also find project updates on the City's Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project webpage, as well as the City’s social media pages linked at the bottom of the website.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
How long will water and power interruptions be?
We will keep the existing water main active until the new water main has been pressure tested and chlorinated, bacteriological tested and is ready to be placed into service. When we cut over the new water system there will be a temporary shut off. We will notify all effected residences and businesses beforehand. Usually, we target a 9am until 2pm shut down period and we usually have the work completed in two hours or less. We always provide a little extra time just in case something unforeseen comes up.
For the electrical system, we are working with primary power. Central Lincon PUD will be installing new power lines on new poles and then transferring that power over, once the new poles are installed. During the transfer of power from the old to new, there may be power interruptions. Central Lincoln PUD will communicate with their affected customers.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will there be limited access to the transfer station?
The transfer station will be operational during regular hours. We do not anticipate limited hours, but any interruption will be communicated. K&E Excavating will be working with the transfer station to ensure that there is always a way to get in.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Is Lane County contributing to the cost for improvements of New Hope Lane leading to the transfer station?
Lane County is contributing $338,000 towards the project. That is the total of the costs for redoing new Hope Lane. This will include making sure the approach of the road is wide enough to accommodate the semi-trucks. The last thing we want is an 18-wheeler running over our new stormwater facility and multi-use path.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will the speed limit remain 40 mph on Rhododendron Drive?
The whole history of speed and who controls it is that the State of Oregon regulates the speed. However, last couple years, the state has relaxed that a little bit. We will be evaluating the speed limit when this project is completed. We are looking to lower the speed limit to 35 mph. That's the lowest we can go without completing another speed study. Currently the speed is set at 40 miles an hour for the whole length of Rhododendron Drive from Heceta Beach Road south to the bottom of the hill before Wildwinds Street.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will there be speed monitor signs?
While we will not install additional speed feedback radar) signs, we will post additional speed signage within the Rhododendron Drive corridor.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will the project include a guardrail to keep cars from driving over the edge of the road into the river?
In the river pullout area, there will be a curb, a planter area, and then a five-foot walking path along the river's edge. We do have plans to take the stockpile of bridge rail that we received from ODOT after the refresh of the Siuslaw River Bridge and strategically place them between the river and the walking path.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
What is the width of the current travel lanes compared to the new travel lanes?
Currently the travel lanes are 11 feet in width. We are maintaining that 11-foot travel lanes with this design. It gives not only a visual clue to slow down, it makes it feel tighter so people naturally will slow down. It is another traffic calming protocol that we have in the toolbox.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
How many parking spaces will there be along the river pull out area? Will it be more or less space than what is currently available?
We have not actually calculated how many, but it should be pretty close to the same. The parking area is starting about where New Hope Lane is and will continue from there to the same termination point at the south end. There may be a couple spots to the north of New Hope Lane that may be eliminated, due to adding the pedestrian crossing, but the rest of it should remain the same.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Does the project add more rip rap?
We do not have plans to do any additional rip rap work. That would be whole different project involving the US Army Corps of Engineers, National Marine Fisheries Service, US EPA, Oregon Department of State Lands, Oregon DEQ, Oregon Heritage State Historic Preservation Office and other permitting aspects that could take several years to even place rip rap in the river.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Can we still fish on the bank of the river?
Yes, you still have access to the river and you can still fish. It will actually be improved. There will be separation between you and the traffic/parked cars. There will be a walking path, a landscape buffer, and then parking.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will the project add public restrooms at the pullout?
No, this project does not include adding public restrooms at the pullout along the Siuslaw River.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
How will we access the river with the new railing?
This project will re-purpose old sections of bridge railing that was removed from the Siuslaw River Bridge several years ago when ODOT replaced the railings. The railing will be placed along the edge of the pullout area along the river. We plan to have gaps in the railing for people to access the river bank for fishing.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
How wide will the multi-use path be?
The separated multi-use path will be 10 feet wide.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will the path be ADA accessible? What about the ramp slope for the elevated area?
That is the beauty of a multi-use path. It is ADA accessible. It will have the correct slopes and it will be paved. This way anyone using an assistive device, whether it is a wheelchair or a walker, can utilize the multi-use path and have that elevated view and look out over the traffic to see the river.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will the multi-use path extend the entire way from Wildwinds Street to 35th Street?
Yes. The multi-use path is in this project from the south end at Wildwinds, north all the way to 35th.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will the multi-use path extend past 35th Street to the north?
Depending on how much more we achieve through savings and value engineering on this project, there may be an opportunity to extend the multi-use path to the north within the scope of the project with K&E. We make no promises. However, if it does not happen with the current project, we do have plans to extend it in the future. It comes down to funding. We do have plans to extend the multi-use path all the way from 35th out to Heceta Beach Road and from a Heceta Beach Road out to Highway 101. It is not only in the City's transportation system plan; it is also in Lane County’s transportation plan. The county and the city have been actively looking for funding for that project (to extend the multi-use path along Rhododendron Drive and Heceta Beach Road). Last year the City and Lane County teamed up and we put in grant request for that project. Sadly, it was not selected, but that does not mean it is the only time that we will be seeking/requesting grant funds.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will bicyclists be required to use the multi-use path?
Bicyclists do not have to use the multi-use path. It will be the safest route, but bicyclists can choose to ride in the travel lane. There will also be a 2-foot shoulder along the roadway.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
How will the path transition at either end?
At the ends of the multi-use path, it will transition back into the shoulder. At Wildwinds separated muti-use path will transition to the 6-foot wide extended shoulder. At the north end (north side of 35th) it will transition to the 2-foot wide shoulder.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
How will bicyclists get back to the correct side of the street at the south end of the path when it ends?
Bicyclists should transition to the correct side of the street at the ends of the multi-use path at the intersections. Bicyclists will need to use caution and may need to travel a short distance on the wrong side in order to have enough vision clearances to safely cross to the correct side of the street.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
What is a Soil Nail Wall?
Soil Nail Wall, also known as soil nailing, uses grouted, tension-resisting steel elements (nails) to reinforce in situ soils and create a gravity retaining wall for permanent support. Process: Soil nail walls are generally constructed from the top down. Typically, the soil is excavated in three to six foot deep stages. After each excavation stage, near-horizontal holes are drilled into the exposed face at typically three to six-foot centers. Tension-resisting steel bars are inserted into the holes and grouted in place. A drainage system is installed on the exposed face, followed by the application of reinforced shotcrete wall facing. The finished soil nails produce a zone of reinforced ground.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will there be places to lock up bikes?
There is no plan for bike racks in the current project. This does not mean that there will be no amenities in the future for this site. It is just not in the current plan.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will there be benches or garbage cans?
There is no plan for benches or garbage cans in the current project. However, we are open to donations from the public to sponsor benches and trash receptacles. There is also an opportunity for individuals or organizations to adopt this section of roadway under our adopt-a-street program.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will there be art elements?
There is an opportunity for art, but that would be after the current project is completed. Art, just like our benches, garbage cans, and bike racks, is outside the contract and can be looked into after the project is completed.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Can people donate towards signage, benches, etc.?
We will gladly take donations for amenities along the river. Amenities are not currently in the plan for this $7 million project. Any amenities would be purchased and placed after the project is completed and depending on funding available.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will the new trees at the pullout area block the view of the river?
We have not selected the trees yet, but will make sure that they are slow growing trees that will not block the view and can withstand the high winds that we see in this area.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will the tree roots impact the cement/pavement?
We will put in a root barrier to prevent root heave of the newly install surfaces. The root barrier will help to confine the roots and force them to grow in a downward direction. This will prevent them from spreading out and lifting the concrete and pavement.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project
Will there be noxious weed/invasive species removal in the project area? North of 35th Street?
Noxious weeds and invasive plant species will be removed within the confines of the project area. For the area north of 35th, in the past we have had a volunteer that pulled and removed scotch broom from the right-of-way, which was very effective.
Category: Rhododendron Drive Realignment & Improvement Project