Old Town Park Gazebo Replacement Project

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Project Status: 

In 2025 the City will be replacing the gazebo at Old Town Park on Bay Street. The current gazebo has been in place since 1989 and has been part of many a holiday, wedding, and live music event at the park. The years of our harsh coastal environment and weather have taken a toll on the structure, including dry rot on structural members, rafters, and other items. With a generous donation from the Central Oregon Coast Board of Realtors, the City has ordered a replacement gazebo.

The City has placed an order for a 16-foot octagon wood gazebo kit from Amish Country Gazebos to replace the existing structure. The new gazebo will feature a metal ribbed roof and a 19-inch octagon cupola. It will be different in a very important way from the existing gazebo in that the gazebo will be placed on a concrete slab on grade foundation. With the decking (floor) of the gazebo about 6 ½ inches above the surrounding ground, we will be able to have a ramp to the gazebo that will allow it to be fully ADA accessible. The new structure will be placed in the same location as the existing gazebo but will be slightly larger (the current one is approximately 14 feet). The new gazebo will enhance the park and make it an even greater community gathering spot, especially for weddings and during the holidays.

Once we get closer to the actually delivery date, Public Works staff will begin the process of removing the existing gazebo and preparing the site for the new building. At certain times, the park will need to be closed for safety reasons, as the old gazebo is dismantled and excavation is taking place for the new foundation. As construction progresses, Public Works will install barricades to keep people from entering the work zone, but still allow access to the observation platform next to the river.

Status Updates

March 21st, 2025

Parks crews unloaded the palleted and plastic wrapped materials on Monday, March 17th, for the new gazebo.