Siuslaw Estuary Trail

Project Type:
Capital Project
Project Status: 
Under Construction
Siuslaw Estuary Trail
Florence, OR 97439

The Siuslaw Estuary Trail was developed collaboratively, with input from community members and the Siuslaw Estuary Partnership, a multi-year US Environmental Protection Agency grant funded project. From November 2010 through January 2013, the ‘Siuslaw Estuary Trail Vision: Preferred Location and Design’ report was prepared by project staff, with input and guidance from the Siuslaw Estuary Trail Technical Team and the Siuslaw Estuary Partnership Interdisciplinary Team. Participants of the technical team included the City of Florence; Port of Siuslaw; Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians; Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development; Oregon Department of State Lands; ODOT; Siuslaw Watershed Council; US Army Corps of Engineers; and US Bureau of Land Management.

Our community stakeholders included representation from the Audubon Society; local birders; Central Oregon Coast Board of Realtors; Florence Area Chamber of Commerce; steelheader group; Florence Area Hospitality Association; Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition; Salmon Trout Enhancement Program; Surfrider Foundation; Volkswalkers; Siuslaw Soil and Water Conservation District, Lane County; and Heceta Water PUD.

Over the intervening years since the original trail concept, City staff have further refined the trail and eliminated high dollar components, such as the suspended walkway over the wetlands. The latest concept provides a trailhead and parking lot on the south side of Hwy 126 at Spruce Street (where Spruce Street would be extended to the south across the roadway). The trail would utilize the existing sidewalk along Hwy 126 to Redwood Street and then a new sidewalk would be constructed to the current terminus of Redwood. A compacted gavel multi-use (pedestrian and bicycle) path would then lead trail users along the upland area of the estuary on the City owned property meandering to Quince Street. Interpretive signage, awesome views of Munsel Creek and the Siuslaw River Estuary would be the focal point of the project.

Although not included in Phase 1 of the project, a future phase will include a footbridge over Munsel Creek to connect the multi-use path to the trailhead parking area at the south side of Hwy 126 at Spruce Street.

Status Updates

January 17th

Our contractor has been taking advantage of the blue-sky weather this week, however the low morning temperatures have prevented them from paving (more on this below). The contractor completed the placement and compaction of the 1/4” crushed rock top coat for the multi-use path. The multi-use path is looking especially nice. We have installed a bollard at the end of the sidewalk and beginning of the multi-use path (trail) to prevent unauthorized vehicles from driving down the trail. Additionally, the contractor completed the excavation for the stormwater swale (rain garden) for the new parking lot that will serve the Siuslaw Estuary Trail. Work included the installation of the emergency overflow pipe (the swale is designed to infiltrate the stormwater but we do need the ability to have an emergency overflow) as well as the placement of the soil media in the rain garden.

Soil media plays a critical role in stormwater swales and rain gardens, which are landscape features designed to manage and treat stormwater runoff. The importance of soil media in these systems includes several key factors:

  1. Water Infiltration: Soil media provides the medium for water to infiltrate and percolate into the ground, which helps to reduce surface runoff. A well-chosen soil mixture allows for optimal drainage, reducing the likelihood of flooding and encouraging groundwater recharge.
  2. Pollutant Removal: Soil particles, organic matter, and microbial activity in the soil help to filter out pollutants such as heavy metals, nutrients, and sediment from stormwater. The soil’s composition influences its ability to remove these contaminants through physical, chemical, and biological processes.
  3. Vegetation Support: Stormwater swales include plants that help with water uptake, further reducing runoff and improving water quality. Soil media must be fertile enough to support vegetation, which plays a vital role in stabilizing the swale, providing habitat, and improving the aesthetics of the landscape.
  4. Erosion Prevention: Proper soil media enhances the structural integrity of stormwater swales by preventing erosion. A well-designed soil mixture helps to anchor plant roots and provides resistance to the erosive forces of stormwater.

Hydraulic Performance: The type and composition of soil in stormwater swales directly influence their hydraulic performance, including the rate at which water can be absorbed or stored. Different soil textures (sand, silt, clay) and their proportions need to be considered to ensure the system functions efficiently for water management.

Getting back to ambient temperature and how that can impact paving operations. Paving in temperatures below 45°F (7°C) is not recommended due to several factors that can negatively affect the quality and durability of the asphalt:

  1. Asphalt temperature cools too quickly: The ideal temperature for asphalt during paving typically ranges between 300⁰F to 350⁰F when it is being laid down. With a drive time of 90 minutes from the nearest asphalt plant, with air temperatures in the high 30’s and rising to 48⁰F, the asphalt (even when covered) loses too much heat and cools to temperatures below 250⁰F. At this temperature, the asphalt can cool too quickly as it is placed which affects its compaction and bonding, leading to a poor finish. It also will develop a crust that is unusable and cannot be compacted properly.
  2. Inadequate Compaction: The compaction process, which is essential for achieving a smooth, dense, and long-lasting surface, becomes less effective in cold weather. Asphalt becomes stiffer and more difficult to compact, which can result in weak areas, cracks, or ruts in the surface.
  3. Risk of Freeze: If the temperature drops too low, the asphalt mix could cool too quickly, causing it to freeze or set before it’s fully compacted, leading to premature cracking or failure.
  4. Binder Performance: Asphalt contains a binder (usually bitumen) that is responsible for holding the aggregate particles together. At colder temperatures, this binder can become too thick, reducing its ability to properly bond with the aggregates.

For these reasons, it's crucial to ensure the temperature is above 45°F and rising. Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) generally does not perform paving operations after October 15th due to temperatures being too low. On the coast, we can have blue sky days in the winter with temperatures in the 50’s or even 60’s. However, with the current high-pressure system over Florence which brought in cold air from Canada and Central Oregon, our temperatures just did not achieve the desired results.

The parking lot area is all ready for paving. Compaction tests of the gravel base show that we have adequate compact for a long-lasting parking lot surface. We just need some warmer weather to pave.

While the contractor could not pave, they worked on excavating for a new rain garden at the end of Redwood Street.

January 10th

This week the contractor completed the prep work for the curb and gutter along Redwood Street; poured the concrete for the curb and gutter; and prepped for sidewalks. With our current weather pattern favorable, the crews from Laskey-Clifton and their concrete specialty contractor poured the sidewalk along Redwood Street from Hwy 126 to the southern end of Redwood Street where the trail head is located.

The contractor excavated for the parking lot of the Siuslaw Estuary Trail project. The contractor installed the filter fabric and damage rock. They will now need to bring in the rain garden soil media and shape the rain garden so that it can be landscaped and planted.

The contractor also made additional progress on the parking lot for the Estuary Trail project for the ADA ramps from the parking lot to Spruce Street. The contractor completed the valley gutter across the driveway approach to the parking lot from Spruce Street and poured the south ADA ramps. With the base rock placed for the parking lot, the contractor continued their work grading the parking lot and installed the top lift of gravel. With the gravel firmly compacted, it is just a matter of scheduling a paving crew and having Mother Nature provide multiple rain free days to pave.

January 3rd

Our contractor continues work on several elements of the project. The multi-use path at Quince Street received base rock and 12-inch stormwater line to allow the natural drainage runoff from the north to flow under the path instead of over the top of the finished pathway.

The contractor also brought in decomposed mulched yard debris (this is older material that is not suitable for making FloGro) from the airport and spread the material on bare soil to help with erosion control along the path.

The contractor also removed additional trees within the Redwood Right-of-way so that they can excavate and prepare the area for the new curb and gutter that will be installed along the eastside of Redwood. This work also involved prepping the area for the new sidewalk. Due to the grades along Redwood Street, the contractor has imported asphalt grindings that the City had stockpiled at the airport to use as fill material. The asphalt grindings work similar to ¾”-0 gravel, but without the expense of having to haul in new material from a rock quarry.

The contractor also made additional progress on the parking lot for the Estuary Trail project for the ADA ramps from the parking lot to Spruce Street. The contractor completed one of the concrete ADA ramps and has the other one (south side of the entrance to the parking lot) prepped to be poured.

December 20th

This week, our contractor Laskey-Clifton Corp has been busy! The contractor and their curbing sub-contractor installed the standard C curbs for the parking lot as well as the radius from Spruce Street into the parking lot. The contractor installed the stormwater catch basin and outfall pipe to the rain garden area. 

The general contractor installed a seep drain across the multi-use path to allow the natural drainage to flow under the path instead of on top of the path. The contractor was able to place the geotextile fabric along with the crushed rock base for the multi-use path from the end of Redwood Street to within 200 feet of Quince Street (the Quince Street connection point to the Estuary Trail). The contractor also removed some fencing along the east side of Redwood so that they can begin the work of installing the new curb and gutter along Redwood Street and the concrete sidewalk.

December 13th

This week, our contractor Laskey-Clifton Corp started the cuts and fills for the parking lot portion of the project. In addition to beginning to perform grade work on the parking lot area, the contractor placed rip rap along the northern slope of a portion of the multi-use trail to help armor the slope from Munsel Creek influences. The contractor also hauled some of our older mulched yard debris from the airport to protect the new cut slope on the Florence Urban Renewal Agency property.

December 6th

Our contractor Laskey-Clifton Corp, continues to progress nicely on the subgrade for the multi-use path for the Siuslaw Estuary Trail. The contractor completed creating the new cut slopes at the south end of the Redwood right-of-way; staged rock for the base material on the Florence Urban Renewal property; and brought in some 24-inch riprap material to help enforce an area of the trail that had a steep slope to the estuary.

November 22nd

On Wednesday, our contractor returned and continued removing trees and vegetation from the area that is impacted by the new slope. The contractor has quickly taken the berm out and graded the area. The excess material (the cut material) has been placed on other parts of the trail to soften the slopes and create a more enjoyable trail experience once the project is completed.

November 15th

Our contractor, Laskey-Clifton Corporation has continued clearing the limits of the trial. Additionally, they have been importing fill from the north end of the project to the south end as the trail emerges onto Quince Street, south of 6th Street.


November 1st

Laskey-Clifton Corporation crews have been working on establishing the trail head at the south end of Redwood right-of-way. There is a large amount of material that is being removed in order to meet the ADA requirements for the trail. The ‘cut’ material is being used on site to fill and raise the lower portion of the trail to keep it out of the sensitive areas of the estuary.

The contractor also dropped a ‘widow maker’ hazard tree that posed a threat to the future trail. The stump will remain to help stabilize the slope above the trail, but the tree trunk will be removed along with the tree limbs.

October 25th

Our contractor, Laskey-Clifton Corporation, has re-mobilized and started to remove trees and vegetation that is required to be removed in order to construct the multi-use path. Our surveyors from Civil West Engineering have also been onsite to locate the property corners of an adjacent property as well as flag the trail alignment. The tree and vegetation debris that is being removed from the project is being dropped off at our yard debris disposal site at the north end of the airport so that it can be mulched and used later in our composting process to create FloGro.

August 23rd

The City held a ground breaking ceremony at the parking lot/trail head location at Spruce and Hwy 126. The contractor should be returning to the site to begin building the trail during the week of August 26th.

August 16th 

The contractor, Laskey-Clifton Corporation, has mobilized equipment and started to remove vegetation and excavate for the trail this week. Laskey-Clifton crews helped by clearing a path (along the trail alignment) to make it easier for staff and our smaller equipment to access the sites and remove the discarded items.

August 2nd

Public Works and City Hall staff meet with the contractor and engineer for a preconstruction meeting on Thursday. The contractor, Laskey-Clifton Corporation, provided their anticipated construction schedule. The contractor has just completed the Beverley Beach State Park and Campground project and is ready to mobilize on our project. The contractor will start bringing in their equipment starting the week of August 5th. They are currently planning to flag the clearing limits and trees that will need to be removed on August 12th and begin tree removal on August 14th.




Contract Award

During the July 15th City Council bids were heard and the Council gave the Contract Award to Laskey-Clifton Corp out of Reedsport. 


Sealed Bids for the Siuslaw Estuary Trail project for the City of Florence, Lane County, Oregon (Owner) will be received at the City of Florence Public Works, 2675 Kingwood Street, Florence, Oregon 97439, until 2 p.m. (PDT) July 2nd, 2024. Bids will be accepted at the above location via hand deliver. Alternatively, bids may be mailed via UPS, FedEx, or hand delivered to City Hall located at 250 Hwy 101 North, Florence, Oregon 97439. USPS deliver will not be accepted. Bids received after this time will not be accepted.

Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud immediately following the specified closing time. All interested parties are invited to attend. Subcontractor declarations must be submitted to the above mentioned City representative no later than 4:00 p.m. (PDT) July 2nd, 2024.

The work on this project is for public work. A brief description of the scope of work is provided below:

Siuslaw Estuary Trail – Base Bid:

Furnish all labor, equipment and materials as required for the Siuslaw Estuary Trail project as shown in the Project Plans, consisting of complete path and parking lot construction consisting of grading, aggregate base, level 3 HMAC, standard curbs, pedestrian ramps, sidewalks, catch basin with infiltration basin, and associated items required for a complete installation.

Bidding Documents may be examined at the following locations:

Civil West Engineering Services, Inc.; 486 E Street; Coos Bay, OR 97420; Ph: 541-266-8601; fax: 541-266-8681

City of Florence; 250 Hwy 101; Florence, OR 97439

Bidding Documents can also be examined on line at the following location:

To be eligible to Bid and be listed on plan holders’ list, bidders must download Bidding Documents and/or purchase them from Engineer. Complete digital project bidding documents are available for Project #9165303 under Current Bidding. You may download the digital plan documents for $20.00. Please contact QuestCDN at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in free-membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents is available for a nonrefundable price of $140 per set which includes applicable sales tax and shipping. Please make your check payable to Civil West Engineering Services and send it 486 E Street, Coos Bay, OR 97420. Please contact us at 541-266-8601 if you have any questions.

Contractors are encouraged to perform a walk-through of the project prior to bid to familiarize themselves with the project.

Bidders must be qualified to perform the work properly and to comply with applicable laws and bonding requirements.

This contract is for public work and is subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. Prevailing wage rates for public works' contracts in Oregon are required for this project. No bid will be received or considered by the Owner unless the bid contains: 1) a statement that bidder will comply with the provisions of ORS 279C.840 2) a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279A.120.

Land Use

The process has been completed and the project has received Land Use Approval. Below is the updated timeline. 

Bids for Construction June 2024, with bid opening July 2, 2024

Award in July 15, 2024

Construction August - November 2024

Anticipated completion date February 2025 (weather dependent)