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Airport Road Affordable Housing Project
The City of Florence has partnered with nonprofit DevNW to establish an affordable housing project at the Old Senior Center site located at 1424 Airport Road. DevNW has applied for a state grant to develop up to 12 modest 1, 2, or 3 bedroom homes on the site.
About the Project
Project Funding: DevNW has applied for and received a Oregon Housing & Community Services LIFT Homeownership / Land Trust grant. The grant helps fund the development of affordable homeownership units for low-mid income families (below 80% area median income 'AMI).
At the June 18, 2018 City Council meeting, and re-affirmed at the August 19, 2019 City Council meeting, the City of Florence elected to enter into a purchase and sales agreement to give the property to DevNW, on the condition that DevNW achieve grant funding and be able to develop the site. This property agreement represents the City's financial support of the affordable housing project as part of the overall grant application package.

Project Overview: The project will be developed as 'cottage cluster' housing. This type of housing would cluster smaller homes (usually 500-1200 sq. ft.) around a common space shared by the entire development. The current site plan proposes 12 homes including a mix of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units. The proposal is to construct all of the homes simultaneously, not in phases, with a desired construction timeline of 12 months or less, beginning in Spring / Summer 2020. At the February 25, 2020 Florence Planning Commission meeting, the project received it's conditional use permit to begin excavation and bank stabilization at the site.
The proposal will be within a land trust model. Land Trusts are a unique form of home ownership where the land itself is legally separated from the structures and held in trust by a nonprofit (DevNW). To learn more about the project and the land trust model, please CLICK HERE to access a presentation from the September 18, 2018 Community Information Meeting.
Qualifications for Home Ownership: In order to meet the state grant qualifications, the individual homes are proposed to be sold to low/moderate income families below 80% of Area Median Income. Based on 2019 Income guidelines, qualifying incomes would be:
1-person household - $36,350
2-person household - $41,550
3-person household - $46,550
4-person household - $51,900
5-person household - $56,100
The homes will be sold through a traditional mortgage, with the requirement that when the original family sells the home, they sell it to another low/moderate income buyer. This model makes homeownership more affordable by removing the cost of the land from the purchase. The homes will be sold on a non-discriminatory basis to young families looking for a starter home, working professionals, seniors, or other qualifying individuals. The homes are proposed to be priced between $180,000-$210,000.
Applying for Homes and Upcoming Educational Events:
Applications are open for the homes in Florence. If you or someone you know is interested and would like to learn more, join one of the upcoming information sessions. DevNW will be hosting two informational sessions in english and one in spanish to reach out to potential local homeowners and help them with any questions they have about the process and assist in completing application materials. These events will be streamed on Facebook live to help with social distancing related to COVID-19 response.
The events are set for:
- April 1, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) - English
- April 1, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. - Spanish
- April 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. - English
If you are unable to attend these meetings, please contact Luis Mendoza at 541-345-7106 x 2053 or via email HERE.
To access the application for home CLICK HERE. Applications must be returned to DevNW's office my mail at 212 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 or emailed to Luis Mendoza HERE.
About DevNW: After construction, DevNW would then take over the operational and administrative complexities with administering the land trust properties. DevNW has developed - through new construction, house moves, and renovation, more than 140 quality affordable homes for low-income, first time buyers. They also provide intensive home buying education and assist more than 1200 future first time homebuyers each year. In addition, DevNW currently owns 23 rental units in Lane County. For more information about DevNW , including success stories, visit their website at https://devnw.org/.
Want to Learn More: Visit the links below for more information about the two City Council meeting on this topic or the Homebuyer Presentation, attend the information session, or contact City Recorder / Economic Development Coordinator Kelli Weese.