Siuslaw Estuary Trail Grand Opening

Calendar Date:
Thursday, March 13, 2025 - 11:30am


You are invited to join us in celebrating the Grand Opening of the Siuslaw Estuary Trail on Thursday, March 13, at 11:30 AM!

We will gather at the trailhead located at the end of Redwood Street, south of Hwy 126. Please park in the new parking lot at the southwest corner of Spruce Street and Hwy 126, next to the car wash.

The City has extended invitations to the Tribal Council, Port of Siuslaw, Planning Commission, City Council, and FURA to celebrate this exciting addition to our community. This project has been a significant effort in enhancing our connection to the natural beauty of the Siuslaw Estuary, and we look forward to commemorating its completion with you.




A Quorum of the City Council, Florence Urban Renewal Agency (FURA) Board, and Planning

Commission may be present at the Siuslaw Estuary Trail Project Opening Ceremony scheduled for Thursday, March 13 at 11:30a.m.

Attendees will be gathering at the the Siuslaw Estuary Trailhead which is located at the end of Redwood Street, South of Hwy 126.

The parking lot is located at the Southwest corner of Spruce and Hwy 126.

No deliberations or decisions will be conducted by the City Council during this event.