CC 22 07 MUR 01 - Wilcox Deli Mural

Proposed location of the mural at 1856-2 37th St.  The image is proposed to be an American Flag and soldier silhouette.

CC 22 07 MUR 01 – WILCOX Deli Mural



The Florence City Council will hold a public hearing at 5:30 P.M. on November 07, 2022, in the Florence City Hall Chambers, located at 250 Highway 101, to hear and consider the following:

Resolution CC 22 07 MUR 01:  A Mural Permit application has been submitted by Linda Wilcox, a request to install a mural on Linda Did It Deli & Espresso at 1856-2 37th Street, north of Chen’s, east of Linda’s Thrift Store, south of 37th St. Laundromat. This location is on the south east corner of Highway 101 and 37th Street.

Mural application was approved by the City Council on November 7, 2022