Drinking Water Protection

Florence 30-Year Wellfield Capture Zones

The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 provided the statutory basis for designation of sole source aquifers by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  A sole source aquifer is an aquifer which is the sole or principal drinking water source for the area (50 percent or more) and which, if contaminated, would create significant hazard to public health.




  The City of Florence's drinking water source, the North Florence Dunal Aquifer, has been designated as a sole source aquifer.  The City, in order to protect its drinking water source, a goal made even more important due to the sole source designation of its aquifer, has worked to successfully update the 2003 Drinking Water Protection Plan.  In September 2013 the Florence City Council adopted the Aquifer Protection Plan for the North Florence Sole Source Dunal Aquifer, September 18, 2013.