Resolution PC 24 02 CUP 02 - 1567 1st Street - Conditional Use Permit with Design Review to Convert a 5 Unit Residential Dwelling into a Hotel.

Resolution PC 24 02 CUP 02 - 1567 1st Street


Applicant withdrew application.


The Florence Planning Commission will hold a public hearing 5:30 p.m. on September 17, 2024, in the City of Florence City Hall Chambers located at 250 Hwy 101, to hear and consider the following matter:

Resolution PC 24 02 CUP 02 – 1567 1st Street-Conditional Use Permit with Design Review to Convert a 5 Unit Residential Dwelling into a Hotel:   An application submitted by Alex Caisse requesting approval for a change of use of a multi-unit dwelling (5 units) into a hotel use as defined by Florence City Code (FCC), Title 10, Chapter 2.  Hotel use is conditionally permitted in Old Town Area B where this property is located, as regulated by FCC 10-17B. This property is located at 1567 1st St, as seen on Lane County Assessor’s Map 18-12-34-11, Tax Lot 06100 located approx. 97 feet west of the Oak and 1st Street intersection.