Florence Municipal Airport Layout Plan

Florence Municipal Airport

The City of Florence prepared an updated Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan (ALP)
drawing set for the Florence Municipal Airport (6S2) in cooperation with the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA).
Funding for the project was provided through an FAA Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant
(95%) with a local match (5%) provided by the City. The AIP is a dedicated fund administered by FAA
with the specific purpose of maintaining and improving the nation’s public use airports. The AIP is
funded exclusively through fees paid by users of general aviation and commercial aviation.
The purpose of the Master Plan is to define the current, short-term and long-term needs of the
airport through a comprehensive evaluation of conditions and Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) airport planning and design standards. The Master Plan provides specific guidance in
making improvements to maintain a safe and efficient airport that is economically,
environmentally, and socially sustainable. The Master Plan:

  • Provides an updated assessment of existing facilities and activity;
  • Forecast's airport activity measures (based aircraft, aircraft operations, etc.) for the current 20-year planning period.
  • Examines previous ALP recommendations as appropriate, to meet the current and projected airport facility needs, consistent with FAA airport design standards;
  • Determines current and future facility requirements for both demand-driven development
    and conformance with FAA design standards.
  • Updates and prepares the airport layout plan, airspace plan, and land-use plan for the airport to
    reflect updated planning; and
  • Developed an Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP) that prioritizes improvements
    and contains estimated project development costs and funding eligibility for the 20-year planning

Please click the links below to view or download the entire plan.