Budget Committee

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee reviews the proposed operating and capital budget during each budget cycle (every two years) and makes a recommendation to the City Council for final approval. The Budget Committee generally meets in about 1-2 meetings in late winter / early spring to kick off the budget process, and 2-3 meetings in the late spring to review the final budget document and provide for public comments and testimony on the proposal. The Budget Committee may also meet at other times throughout the year on items of particular interest to the City’s overall financial strategies and long-term financial plans.  

The Budget Committee consists of five citizen members and the five City Council members. Budget Committee members are required by state law to live within City limits and be registered voters.

The City Council is now accepting applications to join the Citizen Budget Commitee. Please visit, 2025 Recruitment for more information or details on how to apply. 

Budget Committee Citizen Membership 

Name Term Expiration
Debra Kelley May 2028
Leonard Larson May 2025
Wayne Sharpe May 2027
Raymond Plumery May 2028
AJ Edman May 2027
Erin Reynolds Budget Official

To subscribe to the Budget Committee email distribution list please click here. To learn more about the Budget Committee please contact City Recorder Lindsey White at 541-997-3437.