Transportation Committee

Transportation Committee

The Transportation Committee (TC) is an advisory committee for the City Council and collaborates to implement the provisions of City Council goals and work plan as they relate to the City's transportation system. Transportation matters to be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • Traffic & Vehicular
  • Bike & Pedestrian
  • Public & Private Transit
  • Air & Rail

The TC consists of between 5 and 11 members, of which the majority must be residents of the City. Members serve for a term of four years with a term expiration on January 31st.

The TC will meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 5:00 PM. For more information about the committee, please contact Clare Kurth, Associate Planner at Clare Kurth or (541)997-8237.

Transportation Committee (TC) Membership - 2023

Name Term Expiration


Storm Kurth

Vice-Chairperson Gary Trevisan
Chris Handley May 2026
Storm Kurth May 2026
Cheri Payne May 2026
Gary Trevisan May 2025
Robert Carp Council Ex-Officio
Clare Kurth Staff Ex-Officio (Assistant Planner)
Josh Haring River City Taxi Ex-Officio
Kathleen Flynn Lane Transit District Ex-Officio
Kelly Clarke Lane Council of Governments Ex-Officio
vacant Coos County Area Transit Ex-Officio