Art Exposed Old Town 2022-2024

Art Exposed Old Town 2022-2024

The City of Florence Art Exposed Rotating Outdoor Art Gallery Program is a dynamic bi-annual rotation of public art that improves the livability of the Florence area, creates a unique sense of place, and enhances community identity, while also providing an increased economic impact for visitors and residents. Art Exposed offers the community a chance to view interesting, “fresh” artwork every two years at a low cost, while providing artists with an opportunity to display and sell their work to a wide audience.

The City of Florence has eight Art Exposed locations in the Old Town area: Veterans Memorial Park, River Roasters, Rain Garden, Interpretive Center East, Gazebo Park Plaza, Secret Garden, Maple Street Park, and Florence Area Chamber of Commerce Lawn. Pieces on display art part of the 2022-2024 rotation of art.

The 2022-2024 sculptures will be removed by the artists and Florence Public Works in January and February 2025.

The City and the Public Arts Committee would like to thank the third round of artists who participated in Art Exposed in Old Town: “Pier 56” by Rodger Squirrell, “Glam-y Salmon” and “Heart in the Garden” by Mark Brody, “Pluma Sculptura” and “Icosahedron” by Kirk Seese, “Fossil III” by Milo White and Lin McJunkin, “Loki - Sockeye Salmon” by Jud Turner, and “goddess” by Lucy Ruth Wright Rivers. Their work has become a part of our community culture and we wish the artists the very best!

All Art Exposed sculptures are available for sale. If a piece sells, the City of Florence retains 30% of the proceeds to reinvest in the Public Arts Program.

If you have any questions, please contact City of Florence Economic Development and Communications Analyst Chantelle Meyer by email HERE.

Art Exposed Old Town 2022-2024: 


Pluma Sculptura, aka "The Feather"

Pluma Sculptura, aka "The Feather" - Kirk Seese

Location: Siuslaw River Interpretive Center - Rain Garden
Medium: Steel, MDO and UV inks
Height: 10' x 2'x 2'
Price: $7,500


Glam-y Salmon

Glam-y Salmon-Mark Brody

Location: River Roasters
Medium: Glass Mosaic on EPS foam core
Height: 40"x 43"x 11"
Price: $3,800



Loki-Sockeye Salmon

Loki-Sockeye Salmon-Jud Turner

Location: Old Town Park - Gazebo Park
Medium: Steel, recycled chrome
Height: 32" x 65" x 18"
Price: $8,000




Icosahedron-Kirk Seese

Location: Maple Street Pocket Park
Medium: Steel, MDO, UV inks
Height: 7' x 3' x 1'
Price: $7,500



Pier 56

Pier 56-Rodger Squirrell

Location: Veterans Memorial Park
Medium: Steel, Stainless Steel
Height: 96" x 20 " x 22"
Price: $28,700



Heart in the Garden

Heart in the Garden-Mark Brody

Location: Secret Garden
Medium: Glass Mosaic on EPS foam core
Height: 22" x 19" x 9"
Price: $1,100



Fossil III

Fossil III-Milo White and Lin McJunkin

Location: Siuslaw River Interpretive Center East
Medium: Powder coated steel, cast glass
Height: 80" x 20" x 14"
Price: $4,500




goddess-Lucy Ruth Wright Rivers

Location: Florence Area Chamber of Commerce Lawn
Medium: repurposed glass and ceramic, cement stucco over rebar/wire form covering plastic detritus
Height: 91" x 28" x 24"
Price: $13,500