Planning Commission

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The Florence Planning Commission serves to advise the Mayor, Council, and Planning Director in all matters concerning planning and land use. The Commission reviews and makes recommendations on the Comprehensive Plan, subdivision and zoning ordinances, and other planning rules and regulations. The Planning Commission also serves as the Design Review Board acting to determine whether proposed developments uphold the zoning and subdivision ordinances of the City of Florence, and in doing so holds public hearings on these and other actions.

The Commission consists of seven members with residency requirements outlined below, and defined in FCC Title 2, Chapter 3.


  1. Five (5) members of the Commission shall have their permanent residence within the city limits of the City of Florence.
  2. Two (2) members may have their permanent residence outside the city limits but within the Florence Urban Growth Boundary.
  3. Appointees shall have resided within the City or within the City’s Urban Growth Boundary, as applicable, for at least six (6) months prior to the time of appointment.

Members serve for a term of four years, with a term expiration on May 31st of the expiration year.

Planning Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. on an as needed basis.

To sign up for email notifications of Planning Commission meetings, please visit the Email Subscription page. 

For more information about the Commission please contact Planning Director Wendy FarleyCampbell at 541-997-8237. 

Planning Commission Membership

Name Term Expiration
Marylin Datzman May 2028

Debbie Ubnoske

May 2025

Laurie Green

Vice Chairperson

May 2028
Eric Hauptman May 2025

Renee LoPilato

May 2026
Lucas McQuillan May 2027
Sandy Young May 2025
Wendy Farley Campbell Staff Ex-Officio