Environmental Management Advisory Committee (EMAC)


Sustaining and improving the City's livability and quality of life is Goal 2 of the City of Florence work plan. The Environmental Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) realizes Goal 2 by developing local strategies and advising the City Council on protecting Florence's health and environment and conserving energy and natural resources. They are responsible for insuring compliance with the City's solid waste code (FCC 9-4), and DEQ's recycling education rules (OAR 340-090-0030 & 0040) and they serve as the City's Tree Board. 

EMAC consists of 5 to 11 members, of which the majority must be residents of the City and includes additional ex-officio non-voting members. Members serve for a term of four years with a term expiration on May 31st. 

EMAC Meetings are generally held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. For the latest schedule, visit the City's calendar page HERE

Questions about the committee, waste reduction or recycling in Florence? Contact Wendy Farley Campbell at 541-997-8237.

Environmental Management Advisory Committee Membership - 2024

Name Term Expiration
Lisa Walter-Sedlacek May 2025
Ronelle Kuert May 2026
Linda Serbus May 2026
Britte Kirsch, Chairperson May 2028
Shannon Warren  May 2028
Pat Rongey  May 2027
Karen Childs May 2027
Nancy Rhodes May 2026
Lisa Wallace May 2026
Laura Smith  May 2028
Dina McClure, Vice-Chairperson May 2025
Brian  Enochian (County Transfer & Recycling) Ex-Officio
Sally Wantz Council Ex-Officio
Wendy Farley Campbell Staff Ex-Officio