Florence Housing Implementation Plan Stakeholder Advisory Team Meeting #2

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 3:00pm

On June 15, 2022 the Florence Housing Implementation Plan Stakeholder Advisory Team will be meeting at the Florence Events Center at 3:00pm. In addition, members of the public can listen and view the meeting through the GoToWebinar platform using the following link: 


Topics of discussion will include:

  • Review takeaways from stakeholder interviews. 
  • Continue discussion on  short term rental strategies.
  • Present findings and recommendations from code review and research.
  • SAT to provide initial input and recommendations.

The City of Florence is going through a process to create a Housing Implementation Plan. This project will research, recommend, and prepare code updates that ensure internal consistency, local sustainability, and conformance with State housing requirements. This work will result in a Housing Implementation Plan, which will identify multiple affordable housing strategies, programs, and funding opportunities, that, once complete, will guide future housing development programs in the City.

The success of this project will come, in large part, from public involvement. The Stakeholder Advisory Team (SAT) is made up of representatives from City departments, the local business community, education representatives, representatives from housing and social services support agencies, local health advocates, and local residential housing developers.

The SAT will review work products and provide recommendations on key project issues and decisions, provide guidance on scenarios and policy options and guide stakeholder and community engagement strategies. The group will also serve as liaisons between the project and the stakeholder's representative constituents.

If you are interested in staying up to date on the project, please CLICK HERE to sign up to receive emails regarding project updates and meeting notifications. Subscribe to the 2022-2023 Housing Implementation Plan Project subscription list. 

Stakeholder Advisory Team Meeting Schedule
Meeting #1 April 28, 2022
Meeting #2 June 15, 2022
Meeting #3 July 28, 2022
Meeting #4 November 1, 2022
Meeting #5 January 26, 2022


For more information about this project, CLICK HERE.

Those interested in addressing the Florence HIP SAT, either during public comments or on a particular agenda item, must complete a Speakers Card prior to the meeting. To access the Speaker's Card online CLICK HERE, or plan to arrive to the meeting early to complete a card at least one hour before the meeting.