PC 24 42 ANN 07 PC 24 43 ZC 07– 4760 S Harbor Vista Annexation and Zone Change

Socea Annexation

Notice is hereby given that on February 25, 2025, at 5:30 p.m., the Planning Commission will deliberate a petition from Kathryn Socea and Allan Socea to annex approximately .36 acres of property and apply Medium Density Residential zoning. The property is described as Assessor’s Map No. 18-12-15-22, Tax Lot 05400 4760 S Harbor Vista Dr, Florence, OR 97439-9021. The property is proposed to be zoned Medium Density Residential (MDR). On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, the Planning Commission made a recommendation to the City Council, which will hear this matter at their March 17th, 2025, meeting at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers.

PC 24 42 ANN 07 PC 24 43 ZC 07– 4760 S Harbor Vista Annexation and Zone Change
Criteria Applying to this application include:
ORS 222.111, 222.120, 222.125 and 222.170
Oregon Administrative Rules – 660-015-0000, Goal 10 Housing
Realization 2020 Florence Comprehensive Plan:
(found at http://www.ci.florence.or.us/planning/comprehensive-plan)
Chapter 1: Citizen Involvement, Policy 4
Chapter 2: Land Use, Policy 6; Residential Policy 10; and Residential Plan Designation
Chapter 14: Urbanization; Annexation section, Policies 1 through 7
Florence City Code, Title 10:
(found at http://www.ci.florence.or.us/council/title-10-zoning-regulations)
Chapter 1: Zoning Regulations; Sections 10-1-1-6-3 & -4, 10-1-2-3, & 10-1-3
Chapter 10: Residential Districts; Section 1